Status: I'm actually gonna re-write this it will still be the same just more detailed and better formed, Please wait for it!

Ashita no Kioku

I don't.

I don’t understand.

I completely and utterly do not understand.

“Why did she come all this way to ask us to stop stalking Ohno-kun?” I questioned, we hadn’t moved even after she had left 15 minutes ago.

“I don’t know, is she doing this to all their stalkers?”

“I doubt it…why won’t my heart stop pounding?!” I asked I could still feel her presence;

Megumi fell back on her bed, and stared at her picture of Ninomiya.

“I don’t know, mine won’t stop either, if only Ninomiya-kun would look at me like she did…”

“If only Ohno-kun…”


I don’t know when I started following him, or the fact that I was.

Aiba Masaki was walking, but it almost seemed like he was walking with another girl, she was short, and had long brown hair I hadn’t seen her face yet, but I assumed she was very cute to be walking with Aiba, or at least appearing to walk with Aiba.

I pretended to look at a magazine, the girl walked a bit ahead of him and walked into a store, he stopped and pulled out his phone before going into the same store the girl had gone into.

“I thought we were told to stop stalking them.” Megumi whispered as she made her way towards me.

“We were told to stop stalking Ohno-kun, I’m following Aiba-sama, therefore we aren’t stalking Ohno-kun.” I said lowly before crossing the street and making my way towards the store.

“Yes but you are following Aiba-san with the hope that he will meet up with Ohno-san.”

“And you are following me with the hope that he will meet up Ninomiya.” I said quietly, I smirked at her, and she sighed in defeat.

“Wait…where are they?” Megumi asked, I turned and looked around the store, but Aiba and the girl were gone. I walked out of the store, and saw Aiba turn back and make eye contact, before he furrowed his brows, he took three steps towards us, before me and Megumi turned and walked towards Akihabara.

“Well, I think we lost him.” I said panting. Megumi made an agreeing sound before she pulled out her Pokémon Game Boy Color, even though new consoles came out, she played her Game Boy Color.

”Nothing wrong with the classics.” She had said once.

“Hm, good, what do you wanna get today?” She asked.

“Probably that new game that just came out, it looked fun I can-” she screamed. I turned around eyes wide; her Game Boy lay on the ground, broken.

“I’m sorry.” His voice registered. She looked up, her beloved Game Boy in her hands.

“You are buying me a new one!” she said I could tell that she was near tears.

“I’m not buying you a new one.” Ninomiya said, his hands going to his waist. Megumi stood up, still clutching her console.

“You are buying me a new one!” she shouted, Megumi rarely got angry.

“I am not buying you a new one!” Ninomiya screamed back.

“I’ll follow you around till you do!”

“Don’t you already do that?!” he said a look of disgust on his face.

Megumi froze.

I blinked.

She slapped him.

“I do not follow you around, you aren’t that attractive,!” Ninomiya turned and glared at her, before he walked off. Megumi followed him, and I followed her.

“Stop following me.” Ninomiya snapped.

“I already told you that I’m going to follow you around, until you buy me a new Game Boy Color Pokémon edition!” she snapped back.

“Whatever suit yourself.” Ninomiya said continuing to walk through Akihabara; he turned into a Maid Café. Royal Milk Café to be exact.

“Welcome in how may I help you?” a maid dressed in pink asked.

“My friends are already here, thank you.”

“Very well, please come in.”

“We’re with him.” Megumi said before the Maid had time to ask.

“Kazu!” the foreign girl’s voice hit my ears, my heart fluttered a bit.

“Brat.” The girl that had gone with the foreign girl said in acknowledgment.

“Fai.” Ninomiya said coldly, before smiling at Jessie, who was now staring at us with a cold expression.

“What are you doing here?” she asked carefully.

“This one broke my game; I demand that he buy me a new one.” Megumi said, we sat down as a maid brought us chairs. The foreign girl’s eyes warmed up and smiled.

“I’m not buying you anything! You are the one who ran into me!”

“No you ran into me!” the foreign girl smiled.

“No! I didn’t!” Ninomiya scowled making him look younger.

“Yes! You did!” Megumi scowled along with him, making herself look younger.

“How much was it, and what type of console was it?”

“It was a limited edition Pokémon Game Boy Color, it cost me 7800 Yen…why?” Megumi said not looking away from Ninomiya for more than 5 seconds.

“Hey Fai, you wanted to go and check out the Manga shop right?” The foreign girl asked not really looking away from Megumi and Ninomiya.


“And the Game Shop is right next to it remember?”


“That’s right next to an Onigiri vendor.”

“Okay, you got me what do you want?”

“Can you go and find a Game Boy Color Pokémon edition?” She turned and looked at the other girl who simply blinked, “I’ll give you triple what it costs and you keep the change.” The foreign girl said with a nod, and pulled out her wallet which coincidently was Pokémon.

“Fine.” The other girl sighed, and stood up, and made her way out of the Café.

“So…hi?” the foreign girl said with an awkward nod.


“You can call me by my first name.” she said with a smile. I blinked.

“Um…foreign girl?” I muttered.

“Excuse me?” she asked confused. Ninomiya started to laugh. The foreign girl was about to respond when a maid interrupted.

“Here is your coffees is there anything else you require?” A maid dressed in black and white asked, I looked up at her, my mouth fell open.

“Your eyes!” I squealed, they were bright green, she smiled at me politely.

“Your eyes as well, which one of your parents has the clear eyes?”

“My father, he’s British, and you?”

“My mother is half white, half Japanese, now if you’ll excuse me.” She said with a bow of her head before she moved away.

“Wow, Sie-chan she looks more American than you.” Ninomiya said a smirk.

“That’s probably because I’m not really American-American, I’m Mexican-American, meaning I was born an American citizen but my parents are from Mexico, we’ve been through this already.”

“So you are a…Nixican?” Ninomiya said with a pondering expression.


“Nihonjin, Mexican, American, right?”

“Oh you mean, Amexicanese?”

“Where’s the ‘nese’ from?”

“In English Nihon is Japan, so Nihonjin is Japanese.” The foreign girl said with a nod.

“You realize we are having a pointless conversation with stalker fans present?” Ninomiya said coldly. “We’re supposed to be cool.”

“Wait…when did I become Japanese?” the foreign girl asked suddenly.

“You were born here, remember then you moved to Texas…or something?”

“How do you know that?”

“Jun told me.”

“Oh…that bastard why is he talking about me?!”

“He never really stops, it’s getting a bit irritating.”

“Okashii…” the foreign girl whined.

“What, Jun?”

“Both Jun and this girl she’s still staring at you.”

“I know, I’m blocking it out, that’s why I’m staring at you.”

“Oh really?” the foreign girl directed her attention solely on Ninomiya; she smiled a prince smile and reached over the table to put her hand on his. “Am I pretty?” her eyes softened, and Ninomiya’s eyes widened, before he closed them, and took a deep breath, he smiled an innocent smile and let his eyes shine.

“Am I?” he asked upturning his hand so that they held onto each other’s wrists.

“Is you heart pounding?”

“Yes, is yours?”

“Yes, your swooning powers are strong Kazu.”

“As are yours, Jessie.”

“Now, where shall we go?” Ninomiya asked, a slight smirk on his face.

“I don’t know, wanna see if we can enter Toshi’s house?”

“Yes, we haven’t succeeded yet.” He said standing, the foreign girl nodded, and stood with him, their fingers intertwining; they looked at us and bowed.

Before they asked for the tab and the foreign girl paid.

We blinked a couple of times and followed after them. They were nowhere to be found.

“What?!” Megumi said turning around and looking everywhere. “Where the hell did they go?!” she looked at me I shook my head dumbly.

“Ah, there you are.” We turned and saw that other girl; she was carrying a bag in one hand and a box in the other. She handed Megumi the box, and turned away before her cell phone rang.

“Ah! Moshi, moshi?” She said into the phone, “Obaasan? Hai, on my way there actually, um…being followed…” she turned and looked at me and Megumi, who were still standing there, “No, I’m not being followed, no stalkers with me, hai, wakatta.” She continued to walk away. She turned left towards the train station; I blinked a couple of times.

“That girl calls the foreign girl ‘Obaasan’, and she just made sure that we weren’t following her…meaning that the ‘Obaasan’ on the phone was….”

“Chaos-sama!” Megumi said, she turned and looked at me.

“Even if we run for it, we’ve already lost her, we’re dumbasses.”

“Oh my god!” Megumi exclaimed, I turned and faced her.


“She got me the super expensive one, the one I wanted but couldn’t afford, look at it it’s beautiful!” Megumi said clutching the box to her chest.

Some days, diary I just don’t understand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments are Love.
You debuted, ever so subtle.