Status: I'm actually gonna re-write this it will still be the same just more detailed and better formed, Please wait for it!

Ashita no Kioku

I have.

I have waited for this moment for years…haven’t I?

So why is it that with Ohno-kun’s face so close I can’t bring myself to kiss him?

‘I love you, Shizuko…I want to be with you forever…’ he breathed, then our lips met and-

“Wake up!” my eyes snapped opened, the room suddenly smelt like cigarettes, alcohol, and cheap perfume.


“Don’t call me that you unwanted *komodo!” it was definitely my mother. “*Kono ama!”

I did not need this on a school day; I rose from my bed and looked at her.

“What do you need?” I asked, as politely as I could.

“Where the hell have you been going every day from very early in the morning to late in the afternoon?!”

“To school then the library to do my homework, where else would I be going?”

“Get a part time job, or get out of this house!” she screamed, she was drunk, she was always drunk. “*Busu!”

“*Hitori ni shite oite kudasai…” I muttered under my breath, before I walked into the rest room to shower.


“What are the exams I have to take to graduate early?” I asked.

“I’m sorry? You only have a few more months left of school, you’re already a senior, yes?”

“Yes, I am already a senior, and I am aware that I only have a few months left, but honestly it’s in my best interest just to leave.”

“Wouldn’t you like to graduate with your friends?” I blinked at him, he was Ito-san our guidance counselor, he didn’t do much but sit around and eat, oh also he had a habit for trying to look up girl’s skirts.


“Sorry, Norman-chan, that can’t be done, unless you really want it then-“

“If you say what I think you’re going to say I’ll report you.” I uttered, before standing and leaving the room.

“Ah, Norman-chan you’re late, that’s a first for you.” Sensei said with a slight perplexed look on his face.

“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” I said as I went directly to my seat.

I must have fallen asleep again.

“Norman-chan?” my eyes opened, but I couldn’t move, so I just laid there for a bit before I got control of my body.


“You fainted.” It was Sensei

“No, I didn’t faint.”

“She’s right she didn’t faint, she might have narcolepsy, which is a sleeping disorder, I’m going to have to run more tests.” My eyes got wide.

“Where am I?” I asked.

“The hospital.” The doctor smiled.

“I don’t have money to pay for this…”

“Luckily for you, Wakahisa-chan, stalked us down, and asked this as a favor, I’ll be the one paying your medical bills, so Sensei please make all the needed test.” I blinked in surprise, no way, no effing way!

“Sho…I wanted to take credit for it…” the foreign girl whined, wait, Sho…Kazu...Toshi...Juni…exactly how close was this girl to them?

“Gomen ne, Sie-chan, but currently I have the most money.”

“Yes, but you have Keio expenses, plus I know how to get money quick.” She smirked.

“We’ll discuss this later, ne?” Sho said with a faint smile.

“Hai.” She replied with the same faint smile.

“You two make a very good couple.” Sensei said with a mischievous smile.

“Ew…with Sho? Ew…” the foreing girl whined.

“Shut up Sie-chan, you’re not my typ…okay that’s a lie…wait…why am I ‘ew’?!” Sakurai asked flabbergasted, before he followed out the foreign girl who smiled softly at me.

“Just so you know this makes us friends now!” she called before she laughed at Sakurai.


“How did you convince them to pay for me?” I asked Megumi as she sat there, her new Game Boy in hand.

“Her manager has a heart.” She sighed, looking at me for a moment, “She said, ‘Oi, either someone pays, or I pay.’ To which that foreign girl said, ‘With what money, Manager-san?’ and she replied with ‘Yours of course.’ She then smirked evilly and pulled Chaos-san’s wallet out of the blue and pulled out Chaos-san’s debit card, they all agreed after that.” Megumi said with a small smile.

“Sounds fun, wish I could have been there.” I said with a wishful smile.

“Yep, Ohno’s face stayed pretty much blank, so I couldn’t figure out what he thought of the news, Ninomiya-san glared at me so I glared back.” She said smirking.

“Who’s their manager?”

“You know that Fai girl, that hangs around with them?” she questioned, looking up from her game for the first time.

“Yea, what about her?”

“She’s one of Arashi’s main manager, and Chaos-san’s personal manager.”

“Really she looks young, what is she like 23?”

“No, she’s younger than Chaos-san, she’s 12, it seems that both she and Chaos-san grew up together in Texas, and they are both prodigies.”


“Yep, Chaos-san is only going to a high school here so she can take the exit exam and the Keio entrance exam, Fai-sama has already been accepted in Keio.” She paused.

“They are geniuses; according to Matsumoto-san they act like they are already thirty-something, both extremely mature for their age, also way too smart for being teenagers.”

“They all seem nice.” I said with a smile.

“They are, Chaos-san is really nice, even made me eat the bento they had brought her, that girl with the green eyes was there for a little bit but when she saw everyone she bowed and left, about 2 minutes later Aiba-san left, I think that maybe they have something going on.”

“You ate her bento?!” I asked eyes wide.

“Well, it was free food, since when does this stingy person turn free stuff down?” she asked pointing at herself, “One….two…three…”

“Wait the girl with green eyes was there?!”

“Bingo, was wondering when you would connect that.” She said with a laugh.

“Why was she there?”

“I really don’t know myself; she looked around like she was scared, made eye contact with Aiba-san and walked right back out. Aiba just stared blankly at the door, then his phone rang and he excused himself.” She said with a slight sigh.

I must have fallen asleep again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Things with * are translated here in the order in which they appear;


You Bitch!

If you have seen Hana Yori Dango, you should know it's one Domyouji-sama's most used words, so you should have a relative idea of it's meaning, but if you haven't watched, I highly recommend it just so you know, it means super ugly girl

Please leave me alone

Coments are love