Status: I'm actually gonna re-write this it will still be the same just more detailed and better formed, Please wait for it!

Ashita no Kioku

I must.

I must be insane.

I must be, if that made me jump with glee.

I rushed into Megumi’s house, almost tripped taking off my shoes, bowed a fast hello at her parents, and burst into her room.

“Megumi!” I shouted.





“What?! What?! Jesus Christ what?!” she screamed looking at me from her game, her face scowling.

“Ohno-kun passed right by me on the other side of the street today! I wasn’t even trying to stalk him today, he looked so beautiful, so enchant-”

“You…are…pathetic.” She sighed, going back to her game. “Plus your face was like this.”

She paused her game and looked up, her right eye shut slightly as her left was opened wide, then she pulled her head back to make her neck roll to her chin, and she pulled her lips up to show her front teeth.

“Shut up!”

“You are not at all attractive when you talk about Ohno-san.” She said smirking at me.

Her cell began to ring. She reached for it and her eyes widened.

“Hello?” her eyes opened even wider. “Hai! Doumo arigatou gozaimasu.” Then she hung up.

“Who was that?”

“We have to get ready!”

“Why, who was that?”

“It was that Fai girl, she just invited us for dinner.” She smiled brightly, “What’s better is that Ninomiya-san is there.”

“How do you know?”

“He was whining about this new game he wanted and Chaos-san offered to buy it for him, so then she started whining that Ninomiya-san was too close.”

“Was Ohno-kun there?” I asked.

“I don’t know, there was a voice in that background that could have been him, I haven’t heard him talk enough to figure it out.” She said looking at me before she opened her closet.


“So I declare that Cha-chan write us a new song…starting now!” Sakurai-san said pointing at the foreign girl.

“Ano…eh…” she sighed. “*I don’t want to be depressed with such a humble despair. The city is falling on my shoulder. The backlight is being a burden. The sweat on the runner’s forehead makes him a dazzling person. So, lovely dreamers, never give…that’s enough, ne?” she said covering her face.

“I like it!” their head snapped up.

“Johnny-sama!” the foreign girl said eyes wide.

“I like it what’s it called?” Johnny-sama asked again.

“Eto…Easy…Crazy…Breakdown des.” She said a slight confused look on her face.

“Well get it on paper, and we’ll do something with it, you can also write music right?”

“Yes…I can…”

“Would you mind being the song writer for Arashi?” Johnny-sama said smiling at her, “Sakurai-kun please come here, along with Ninomiya-kun.”

“Hai.” They said in unison, they stood side by side.

“You three are in charge of writing music. Sakurai-kun, you will write the raps, Chaos-chan and Ninomiya-kun you will write mostly everything else.”

“Do we get credit?” Ninomiya asked.

“No, we’ll keep you two our secret, other people will take the credit, and you will get paid for it none the less, Sakurai-kun will get credit for his raps, because the fact that he’s the rapper is what makes him stand out.” The foreign girl sighed.

“It’s bad enough you tricked me into writing most of our first album, and taking away all the credit from me, and making pose as a guy for 2 years…now you want me to do this?” She looked right at Johnny-san.

“Yes, if you would, I can’t pay you more for it, but I can add 1,000 yen for each song you write.”

“1,000 yen...that’s a small amount…” Ninomiya began.

“Think about it Nari, 1,000 yen for each song we write, even partially write, there’s about 12 songs on each CD, plus we’ll be dropping a lot of singles right? Plus we have our own pay checks from our dramas, and all the Arashi related events…”

“We’ll accept.” Ninomiya smirked and bowed, Johnny-san then excused himself.

“Why are you here?” Ninomiya sneered at Megumi.

“Don’t think too highly of yourself, I’m not here for you brat.” She sniffed and sat next to the Fai girl.

“Eto…” Ninomiya had stopped listening half way through Megumi’s sentence, if we were an Anime, Megumi would have fallen on her face and there would depression squiggles above her head.

“Who is she?” he asked pointing at the small girl who was now hiding behind Aiba.

"Who's that, Ma-chan?" The foreign girl said as she looked at the tiny girl that now stood next to Aiba.

"This is Ogata Jade." Aiba said with a smile.

The foreign girl took in the small girl’s Japanese features, she was short stopping at Aiba's chest being about an inch or two shorter than she and Riida, her almond shaped eyes were bright green, which fit her name perfectly, her long brown hair made it a bit past her perky breasts that were enclosed by a bright red shirt, and blue snug fitting jeans fit at her slender waist perfectly.

Her full pink lips pulled into a shy smile, and her cheeks turned pink.

"Is she your girlfriend?" the foreign girl asked, looking at the way the girl looked at the room and its inhabitants with nervous eyes, her arm wrapped around Aiba's waist for protection.

"Yes, she is." Aiba beamed.

"She's pretty!" the foreign girl said putting on her 'Let me be your Prince smile"

"No." Aiba said clutching the girl possessively to his chest, "She's mine, you can't have her."

“Ah! From the maid café, right?” I asked, the small girl smiled.

“Hai, pleasure to meet you again.” She said with a slight bow of head, her shy smile getting bigger.

“Kawaii!” the foreign girl chorused.

“You are far cuter.” Ninomiya said, the moment he said that I heard Megumi’s heart break, I turned to look at her, her eyes were open, not wide but almost as if she was a doll, they were just opened, and her mouth was in a slight frown.

“Stop that.” We turned our heads to the Fai girl.


“Because, we don’t want people to know that you are closer to her, she’s supposed to be a new thing for everyone, so stop acting like you’ve known her for two years, and plus you aren’t even supposed to be dating each other.” She glared. “Do you know the amount of trouble I would be in if I was found out.” She grabbed an Onigiri, “I should just go back to America.”

“No!” the foreign girl screamed rushing to her side.

“Creepy.” Fai girl uttered.

“I’ll be good please!” her eyes darted to Megumi’s crushed expression, and then to my worried one, she pursed her lips, “Plus, I don’t find that brat attractive at all.” The room fell silent.

“Oh, might as well buy you that game ne?” she said smiling at Ninomiya who was staring at her with wide eyes.

“Ne.” he replied a slightly confused worried look on his face.


“They are taking a while aren’t they?” Matsumoto said a worried expression on his face.

“She’s probably apologizing for the comment she made earlier.” Sakurai said with a shrug.

“Is there something between them?” Megumi asked.

“No…well…” Aiba started not sure how to progress the conversation.

“They are dating.” I blinked, it was the sound of velvet.

“Ah, our leader spoke!” Sakurai said with a grin.

“They are? For how long now.” Megumi said hiding the pain from her voice.

“Too long now….” Matsumoto sighed, “I’m going to go get something to drink.” He then left the room.

“Jade and I will go after him.” Aiba said standing leaving the room with his girlfriend.

“What’s wrong with Matsumoto-san?” I asked.

“He’s in love with Sie-chan, but she’s currently seeing our Nino, let’s see it’s been what two years?” Sho said with a nod.

“Megumi…” I said, she had stood up and walked out of the room, I excused myself and rushed after her.

“Hurry, help us put this in the room.” Matsumoto said quietly.

“What is it?” Megumi whispered back.

“Sake and beer, hurry, if we get caught with it again, they’ll send Sie back to America to ‘think about what she’s done’ hurry!” He then began handing us bags.

I must be insane, I just must be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Things with * explained here;
That is the english translation of Arashi's song Easy Crazy Breakdown, it's a really good song, it is track 2 on their Here We Go! Album which released on 17 July 2002, The foreign girl began to write this song, aprox. 2 years before the album released, for complete eng trans please go to, then go to albums you should be able to find it.

Comments are love.