
Waiting on a secondhand pick-me-up

I smiled as I emptied my piggybank into the large jar I stole from the art room. I didn’t have much, but once I start adding a dollar a week along with all my spare change, then I can watch the pile grow. This was my golden ticket to Art School. I was going to earn the money on my own, no help from anything or anyone. I just had to be a smart shopper now, which is hard since I go to the mall every weekend. I was accepted into Heatherley School Of Fine Art, but there was no way my parents would be able to afford it alone. I had to earn the money for my ticket and half of my tuition. If I knew I was going to get in sooner, then there wouldn’t be a problem. But since I found out yesterday and it is now one month before graduation and I’m expected to be in London in July, it would take a miracle to be able to get over there for orientation.

“Hey there.” I jumped as I saw Alex stumble through my window. He landed on my bed and then sat up, crossing his legs underneath him. “What’s that,” he pointed at my jar.

“This is my one-way ticket to getting to London in July,” I smiled with pride, screwing the lid on and patting the top of the jar.

“Oh my God,” he jumped off the bed. “You got in?!”

“I found out yesterday,” I shrieked with excitement. He lifted me off the ground and twirled me around as I laughed.

“This is great!” He placed me back down on the ground and began to dig into his pockets. “Now, if you don’t mind, I would like to donate to the “Megan Needs Money To Get To Art School” fund.” He pulled a couple dollar bills out of his pocket and attempted to drop it into the jar. I snatched it away from him before his money fell in.

“No Alex! I need to do this by myself!”

“Come on, just a couple dollars!”

“No! You are my best friend and there’s no way I can keep taking money from you! I already owe you as it is.”

“But I want to Meg! Please,” he begged.

“No means no! Maybe it’s not my weekend, but it’s gonna be my year and I’ve been going crazy so I need to do this by myself.”

“Fine, fine,” he huffed, shoving the money back into his pocket. “You are definitely coming to my band practice this Sunday for once correct?”


“Good, you finally get to meet the guys! They are so excited to meet you.”

“Same here.”

Alex took a quick glance at his watch and began to crawl back out his window. “I better get going, my mom’s making tacos tonight! You want to come over?”

I just laughed at him. “Sorry, it’s my grandpop’s birthday and we’re going out to dinner tonight.”

“Have fun with that,” he saluted.

“Will do,” I copied his motion and watch him disappear down the side of my window.


Saturday night, no parents, no plans. Sounds pathetic, I know, but it was a jam-packed week and I really didn’t have the energy to go out. I was flipping through the channels on the T.V. for the third time, dressed in my shorts and over-sized t-shirt for bed when the doorbell rang. I groaned as I yanked myself off the couch to get it. Behind the door was a man about my size with blonde hair parted and combed. He was wearing glasses and a really fancy suit that seemed to be a bit big for him. His shoes were freshly polished and his matching blonde moustache hairs were perfectly straight.

He cleared his throat before speaking. “Good evening, I am looking for a Miss Megan Parker?” His British accent was thick as the words rolled off his tongue.

“That’s me,” I stuck my hand out. He shook it vigorously and then released it. “Can I help you?”

“Yes, yes, my name is Mr. Harry Baldwin, the new Dean of Admissions at Heatherley School Of Fine Art.”

“Oh, how are you?”

“I’m fine thank you,” he fixed his jacket. “I was here for a week stay for my sister’s wedding and I thought I would do the honor’s of handing this to you in person.” He held out a small envelope to me. I took it and opened it up. I gasped when I saw what was inside. It was a check that was more than enough to pay for my plane ticket and a semester’s worth of fees.

“Oh my God, thank you,” I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight. He cleared his throat again and I let go of his hand, apologizing quickly. “Thank you so much Mr. Baldwin.”

“No, no, thank you,” he smiled. “See you in the fall!”



The guys and I watched Megan step onto the plane and saw it take off into the sky.

“Hey Alex,” Jack spoke up. I looked over at him. “What will happen when she gets there and finds out that the dean’s name isn’t actually Harry Baldwin?”

“Then I will be the first person that she calls and I will introduce her to the real Harry Baldwin,” I replied, patting Zach on the back.

“Won’t she be mad when she finds out that you gave her all that money?”

“She’ll thank me later,” I looked back out the window. “It’s her dream and I just wanted to help. I was getting so sick of watching every minute pass as she got nowhere with that jar. Now, she’s fulfilling her dream.”
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