So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 1

The honeymoon's over, the married life really does begin. No more sandy beaches and late nights, reality hits. The question I want to know is what exactly could be heading for the newly-weds? Can Cathy and Simon interfere as much as they have done?
Let the sequel begin (: ...

Lexi's pov...

Here we we're, walking back through the airport. Once again hand in hand, in my eye's nothing could go wrong. We had the most amazing honeymoon and the best part? No Cathy.
Not in a horrible way of course, I mean thinking back she did keep a lot of things from both of us. Now maybe we can just live our lives, no worrying about hating each other, no wedding plans or dress shopping!
All of a sudden Jake stopped dead before we made our way from the gates into the main area of the airport.
"Are you really ready for this babe? I mean... we've had like the best two weeks since we've known each other."
Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled his face closer to mine.
"Honeymoon's can't last forever, however good they may be. This is just something we have to do, we really don't have a choice." Taking a deep breath I looked around before looking back at Jake. "But when did we ever have a choice?"
"Urgh that's we better start walking through, my mum might send out a search party otherwise and I'd rather get home soon so we can spead some more time alone" Jake replied winking at the end.
Unwrapping my arms from his neck, a sigh escaped my lips, knowing he was right I grabbed the handle of my suitcase along with Jake's free hand before I started to walk again.

"Mrs Peterson!"
My nose scrunched up as I turned to find who called me.
Dropping Jake's hand aswell as my suitcase I began to run towards the few people that had gathered to greet us.
"Dad!" I yelled as he opened his arms to me as I got to them all.
"Hey princess, how are you? Did you have a good time?"
"I'm good and yes we did thank you!" I turned to face Sue and Jenny, "hey guys! Did you miss me?!"
Both of their faces split into identical grins as we all ran to each other.
The normal hug was exchanged while Jake made his way over, pulling my suitcase aswell as his own.
"Thank's a lot Lexi..." he grumbled before he exchanged hello's with everyone else.
"So... what was his surprise?!" Sue yelled drawing my attention back to them both standing before me.
A blush rose up on my cheeks as Jake wrapped an arm across my shoulder's, I didn't even have to look at him to know he was smirking at them both.
"What was it?" Sue asked again, still neither of us said anything.
Jen gasped, I looked up to see her own cheeks flushing.
"You didn't!" She yelled while pointing at Jake and myself.
I nodded sheepishly, Sue still looked between all of us, not understanding.
"How can you not get it Sue?! Even I got it!" Jen yelled throwing her hands in the air.
On cue Sue gasped and began to point at us both aswell.
"What?! Why in the world didn't you say!"
Clearing my throat, I began to look around, everyone was staring at us all with confused expressions.
"Erm... we will talk about this later, we better be going Jake." I pushed him towards the suitcases. "I'll see you girls later 'kay!" I told them as I ran towards Cathy, Simon and my dad.
"You better!" Sue yelled after us as they began to lag behind, I could only guess what they we're talking about.
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Okay so this is chapter one of my sequel! I know it's shorter than the chapter's I used to write but they will get longer as I get into the story! Enjoy!..x