So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 10

Lexi's pov...

THE longest day I've had.
I have been on my own in the bedroom for the past two hours and you know what? I'm bored out of my brain.
I have an hour until I have to leave but even then I'm ready to go.
*Knock knock*
"Alexandra?" Cathy called before looking over at the bed. She closed the door before walking over to me.
"Hmm?" I really couldn't be bothered to move, laying on my stomach still I moved my head a fraction so I could look at her properly.
"Sweetie, Jake's birthday's coming up and we need to organise something."
"What we're you thinking?"
Her eye's closed as she relaxed a little, taking a deep breath she finally opened her eye's to look at me.
"I was thinking a party? But will he want one for his 19th?"
"What about having a dinner for the family and then I can figure out the rest we can spend some time together?"
Numerous idea's ran through my mind as I watched Cathy's reaction. Her eye's lit up after a moment or two, I could see she was still contemplating the outcome.
"Done, a dinner it is. Are you sure you can sort the rest though?"
A smirk made it's way on my face as I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

Not half an hour later I was outside BooksToBrains, nerves racked though me, placing my hand on the door handle I pushed it open and walked inside.
"Alex! It's so nice to see you again!" Hayley yelled enthusiastically as she came out from the back room.
"Hey Hayley."
"Come through, I'll be doing the interview back here."
Cautiously walking though the shop, I stepped inside the small room in the back, surprised when it was bigger than it seemed from the outside.
"Come, sit down Alex, you don't mind me calling you Alex do you?"
Sitting down in the seat opposite her, I smiled before replying.
"Alex is fine, Lexi is better though it's up to you I really don't mind."
"Well Lexi, let's get this show on the road." Hayley said, smile spread across her face. It was hard not to smile back.
Time seemed to fly by while the interview was going, Hayley and myself clicked. As stupid as it sounds, we got along really well, I could see myself working here.
'Wait, I'm wrong, should have done better than this...'
"Sorry Hayley is it okay if I take this?" I quickly asked pressing the phone to my ear after accepting the call.
"Sure go ahead, you can leave if you'd like as long as your back tomorrow at 9am sharp to start your new job!" She yelled squealing at the end.
"Omg! Thank you!"
"Hello?" I heard through the ear piece for the third time.
"Hey Jake! Guess what!"
"I got it! I start work tomorrow!" I yelled, smiling at Hayley.
"Congratulations babe! That's great news! Are you free? I'll treat you to lunch."
"Sure, I'll walk over to you in a few 'kay?"
"Okay, love you."
"Love you too..."
Hanging up I noticed Hayley staring at me wide-eyed.
"What?" I asked confused, looking down at myself seeing if I had anything on me.
"You're married!" She squealed again grabbing my left hand and looking at the ring.
"Yeah, just recently actually... hey are you sure that it's okay for me to go? I've got to meet Jake is all..."
"Go... Go meet your husband! Remember tomorrow at 9am!" Hayley repeated pushing me out of the store, waving slightly I started to walk towards the garage. Life seem's to be coming together quite nicely. 10minuet's of walking I spotted Jake leaning against one of the car's outside talking to one of the men that he was talking to yesterday. He had overall's on, arms tied around the waist, my breath caught in my throat. Now this is where I can say my life is perfect.
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Enjoy (: This chapter's dedicated to Lenae3013 and Nessie101 ..Thank you for the comment's!..x