So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 11

Lexi's pov...

As if sensing me there Jake turned around, a smile spread across his face. I began to cross the road as he was finishing his conversation.
"Have fun Jake. Well I'll see you in a hour." The man said to Jake before turning to be a smile on his face. "Be sure not to keep him away." He added.
Nodding my head we watched as he walked away from us both. Jake's arm's circled my waist as he pulled me to him.
"Hey." He muttered giving me a quick kiss before letting me go and taking my hand.
"Hey yourself."
Silently we made our way into town, without warning Jake pulled me into a little cafe 10minute's down the road. Sitting down at an empty table, we we're still holding each other's hand while looking at the menu.
Not 5minute's later we had ordered and we we're still in a comfortable silence.
"How's your first day going?"
"It's hard work, but I'm enjoying it. Honestly the only thing I don't like is not seeing you all day, but you're only down the road now. I can see you during the day." He looked at me eye's showing his happiness. "How's your day at home been?"
I scrunched my nose up, getting laughter from Jake in the process.
"Long and boring. I had nowhere to escape." Letting out a breath, I continued. "I am not looking forward to going back. Sue and Jen said they we're going out for the day. That mean's it will be your mum and me all day."
"Not if you don't go home." Jake replied, rolling his eye's.
"Well what am I supposed to do then genius?"
"I don't know, go hang with your dad. It's not as though he's going to be staying forever is it?"
I opened my mouth to protest, only to close it once again. Maybe he had a point, I mean I know my dad wouldn't be staying much longer. He needed to go back to his life, as much as it pained me to say it.
"Oh god. That came out completely wrong baby. I'm SO sorry!" Jake quickly said as our food was placed infront of us.
"No, it's fine. You're right, it's just hard."
Letting go of his hand I started to eat, lost in my own thought's. I found myself looking at the calender placed on the wall, looking at the date my eye's widened. 16th June.
My head snapped around to see Jake looking at me worriedly.
"Are you okay?"
"I... I don't know."
Honestly it was the truth. How could I forget the most important day of the year for me. Tear's filled my eye's, anger ran through me, aimed at myself for my forgetfullness.
"Baby, talk to me." Jake said, taking both my hands in his own.
"Can... Can we just leave please." I muttered just loud enough for him to hear. Automatically releasing my hands he stood up from the table making his way to the cashier. A few minute's later he was back, helping me from my seat, wrapping his arm around my waist. Finally managing to get out of there we turned a corner and I leant against the wall, letting my tears roll down my cheeks.
"Can I borrow your other car today?" I asked the tear's slowing.
"Yeah of course, why aren't you telling me what's wrong?"
Looking up into Jake's eye's I could see the hurt he didn't want to display.
"This is something I need to do by myself, I will tell you. Now just isn't the right time, I'm going back home for the rest of the day."
"I'll come with you then."
"No Jake. You've just started your job, you can't leave, I just have to be on my own for this."
Pushing myself from the wall, I took Jake's hand leading him back to the garage. It didn't seem too long before we finally got there, wrapping my arm's around Jake's body I closed my eye's, breathing in the familiar scent.
"Promise me you won't do anything stupid." He muttered resting his head on my own.
"I promise. I couldn't leave you, I love you."
Sighing he pulled away, kissing my forehead and lips.
"I love you too. At least ring me when you get there okay?"
Nodding my head I pushed him towards the garage doors. He took one last look before walking inside.
Now it's time to go home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oo! Can anyone guess what time in the year it is for her?.. This chapter is dedicated to Nessie101, MoonlitTearsOfLove and Mystic Dreamer ..Thank you for the comment's!..x