So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 12

Lexi's pov...

Here I sat in the car, texting Jake, while still having an internal arguement with myself. My head drifted towards the one thing I had come to see. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of the car, tear's filling my eye's once again. Grabbing the flower's I had placed on the backseat I slowly started walking. Falling to my knee's onto the ground, I found myself looking at the gravestone before me.
"I am so sorry." I muttered. "I didn't mean to forget! I'm so sorry." The tear's fell from my eye's unwilling to be stopped. My vision blurred and I closed my eye's. Blindly placing the flower's on the floor, I crouched over, letting my head fall in my hand's.
I don't know how long I sat there, my tear's had finally stopped and the anger I felt was being placed somewhere else.
I glared at the gravestone infront of me, not bothering with anything else around me. Looking at the few words that we're writen on it.
'Faith Marie Waters. A devoted wife and mother, she will be forever missed and forever in our hearts.'
I scoffed, reading the words over and over.
"Devoted mother? Yeah right!" I yelled, not caring if anyone heard me. "The only thing you we're devoted to mum was the booze and even then look where's it's got you."
Something inside me snapped and all the anger I felt was being passed over to the one person that couldn't fight back. I know she wasn't there to hear me, but something told me she was. Wherever I would be, she was right by my side.
"If you weren't so dedicated to the booze you wouldn't have left dad to raise a 10year old! You wouldn't have left a 10year old without their mother to go to for advice!" Tear's began to well up in my eye's yet again.
"I will never forgive you for what you done. You took yourself away for your own pleasure and left your only daughter. Devoted my ass."
Standing up, I bent down to pick the flower's off the ground, lifting them up to my face I took one last look at them before throwing them down on the gravestone.
Taking a deep breath, I turned around and started to make my way back to the car. Slipping into the driver's seat, I rested my head on the headrest and closed my eye's, willing for the pain to leave.
People say death get's easier as the year's go by. In my own opinion it get's worse.
Growing up, I was alway's told it would get easier, everything would be okay. Unfortunately, it did get easier, the pain left and everything was fine. Then it came up to the anniversary, 16th June, and my attitude changed. Everything about me had gone, my bubbliness and my patience. Every year was the same, except this year. This year had been easier, there was nothing that could have ruined the happiness that I was content with.
Opening my eye's I quickly looked at the clock 7.30pm, groaning I turned on the engine and started to make my long journey home.

Jake's pov...
Where the hell is she?! Running my hand's through my hair I paced the bedroom, like I had been doing for the past hour. Checking my phone, there we're stillno message's. Ringing her phone for the third time, there was still no answer.
"Jake?" I turned to face the bedroom door, relaxing a little to see Fred standing there. (A/N - Okay I realised I hadn't given Lexi's dad a name so it's now Fred.)
"Hey."I sighed sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"She's okay you know, she's a lot tougher than she look's." He sighed and walked over to the bed before sitting next to me. "I don't know if Lexi has told you what today is, but if she hasn't she will. She just need's to be with her thought's."
Squeezing my shoulder, Fred stood up.
"She will be back before you know it, just don't give her a hard time okay?"
Nodding my head, I watched as he walked out of the room, leaving the door open.
Hopefully she would be back soon.
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Okay some of you may not like the way this chapter seem's especially with her at the grave. But in my own defence it is based on personal experience. Everything that is written up there is true to me, this is the one bit of the story that I can say it is my life to a 'T'. My mum passed away when I was 10 and it was because she preferred to drink than tothink about the concequence's. I haven't done this for sympathy it was just a much needed chapter in Lexi's life to go through the 'anger stage' heck I still have time's where I go through it. So if you don't like it I'm sorry but I can't change what I wanted to put in this chapter. This chapter is dedicated to Nessie101 ..Thank you for the comment!..x