So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 13

Lexi's pov...

I sat in the car waiting. Waiting for what you might be asking? Honestly I have no clue. Everything was telling me to go inside, everything would be fine. The tiniest little doubt in my mind put that whole plan into meltdown. However many time's I actually placed my hand on the handle, something made me back out.
10 missed calls and numerous text's later, I opened the car door and started to make my way up the drive. Everystep telling me that they wouldn't understand. Why should they? When I was younger my dad never used to talk about my mum that much, now that I am older, I can see how much pain it would have put him through. There's only so much you can ignore and pretend never happened. It was then I realised, I didn't know what happened behind closed doors. All of this front could have and be for my benifit, for my security. When he was on his own did he deal with what happened? Shaking the thought's from my head I stood facing the porch.
Taking a breath, I slowly opened the front door. Quickly looking around to see the hall empty, much to my relief. Stepping inside, I quickly shut the door before making my way upstairs unnoticed. Silently walking towards the bedroom door, I could hear voice's coming from inside.
"She's okay you know, she's a lot tougher than she look's." My dad's voice floated through the door. "I don't know if Lexi has told you what today is, but if she hasn't she will. She just need's to be with her thought's." He paused, obviously waiting for the other person to respond.
"She will be back before you know it, just don't give her a hard time okay?" He asked, hearing the footstep's I ran into my old bedroom closing the door slightly so I wouldn't be seen. The footstep's decended downstairs, until finally I couldn't hear them anymore.
Taking a few minute's to compose myself once again, I walked out of my old bedroom and returned to the door of our room.
"Where the hell are you Lexi?!" Jake yelled.
I pushed the door open and made my way inside. Pausing to close the door behind me. I was immediately engulfed in a hug, closing my eye's I spun around in Jake's arm's, resting my head on his chest.
"I've been so worried about you Lexi." He muttered into my hair, tear's sprang to my eye's for the thousandth time today.
Picking me up Jake made his way to the bed, laying me down before turning off the light and laying next to me. Cuddling me into his chest, he waited, not saying anything.
"You want to tell me what happened today?" He asked quietly.
"Today, is the day when my mum died." I mumbled, tear's pouring down my cheek's already, Jake cuddled me into his chest more waiting for me to continue. "She died when I was 10, I forgot today. I actually forgot to think about her, the one day that I really need to think about her I didn't. When I left you I went home, I sat at the graveyard for a few hours." I paused, word's buzzing around my head at lightspeed.
"I actually hate her Jake and I shouldn't. I shouldn't hate her for wanting to be with her own mum."
"But she left you at that expense. Lexi, you couldn't change what happened. No-one could and I'm sure that your mum wasn't enitrely happy with what she done. How did she..."
"Die?" I finished for him, he simply nodded his head.
Who knew one word could make the reason simple.
"You'll be okay Lexi, you didn't mean to forget. Next time I'm coming with you though, I didn't like not knowing where you was. I know you promised you wouldn't do anything stupid but... I was worried about you."
One simple gesture made me feel better, snuggled together, I fell asleep. Happy to finally not feel anything for a while at least.
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Okay I know this chapter's short.. Quizilla was being a pain and I was getting to the point of throwing my laptop at the wall :P .. This chapter is dedicated to Lenae3013, Mystic Dreamer and Jo_Crazy ..Thank's for the comment's!.. Okay I'm going on holiday on Saturday for a week, I can take my laptop with me but I don't know if my funky internet stick thingy is going to work or not soo please be patient update's will be slow! Thank yoou.. Enjoy!..x