So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 14

Lexi's pov...

The buzzing of the alarm clock both woke us up the next morning. Both running around like headless chicken's trying to get ready and not to wake anyone else up.
"I'll go start breakfast." Jake said as he finished getting ready.
"Are you sure? I can do it."
"No, don't be silly."
Before I could make any protest Jake walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Not 5minutes later I was ready and walking downstairs into the kitchen. Being drawn in by the smell, I closed my eye's and took a deep breath. Heaven.
Taking a seat at the counter I waited for Jake to finish putting pancake's on the plate's and for him to sit down before we started to talk again.
"I was thinking..." I started only to be cut off by Jake laughing. Narrowing my eye's slightly, I waited until he was finished.
"Sorry but I never thought I'd hear you say that. Especially this early."
"Har Har very funny." I took a bite out of a pancake.
"Anyway I was thinking how about we go up my house for a weekend. I can show you around my home town."
"Is there anything good there?" Jake asked skeptically.
"Yeah, I managed to live there for 18years."
"Morning kid's!" Simon yelled cheerfully as he walked into the kitchen. "Why are you both up so early?"
"Work." We replied simultaneously.
"Oh. Lexi, Cathy would like to have a word with you tonight."
"What about?"
"I have no idea, it's a secret from me. I thought you would know."
Shaking my head, I continued to eat my pancake's wondering what Cathy could want from me.
"Come on babe, let's get to work." Jake said, picking up the plate's and placing them in the sink. I stood up, unaware of anything that was going on around me. The next thing I was aware of was sitting in the car, watching the road's blur past the window.
"What's going on in your head?"
"Huh?" I asked, breaking away from my thought's to face Jake.
"Where's your head at? Ever since my dad said my mum wanted to talk to you you've been acting funny."
"I haven't been acting funny, I've just been thinking."
"Yeah okay."
It was a silent drive to work after that, nothing else was said or done apart from me grabbing Jake's hand.
"I'll see you later?"
"Course you will, lunchtime. Be ready!"
Laughing I stepped out of the car and went into the shop, ready to start my first day at work...

"Okay. So that's everything you need to know for now. Any questions?" Hayley asked, turning around on the spot, massive grin on her face.
"What about lunch?"
"I'll be nice and let you leave when your hubby come's in. I know he will."
A grin crept onto my face as she took my arm and led me through the shop and intoa little warehouse, I guess, in the back.
"This is where all the books are kept, it's where you and I will be working mainly today. We need to check the book's off the list and bring them out into the store."
With my help Hayley had managed to get half the books sorted before 1pm. Yeah we still had a lot to do but honestly we made a good team.
"Lex?!" A voice called through the store, sending Hayley into a fit of giggles.
Pulling Hayley out of the back with me, I walked toward's Jake.
"Jake, this is Hayley. Hayley, this is my husband Jake."
"Hi!" Hayley yelled.
"Okay... are you free for lunch?" Jake asked, taking his gaze away from Hayley to look at me.
"Sure let's go." I quickly ran out into the staff room grabbing my bag and coat before taking Jake's arm and pulling him out of the shop.
"You know she's really weird?" He muttered as soon as we we're out of earshot.
"Yeah, but she's lovely." I assured him, walking to the same cafe we had been in yesterday. Time for lunch.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay (: Bit of a fillerish chapter (: There have to be some! Oh and incase some of you think.. 'Hey why is she so happy even though she was angry and sad the past two chapter's'.. Trust me she isn't it's just the distraction's she hasn't had enough time to think about it yet ;) .. Anyway this might be the last update for a few day's :( Suck's I have to go away :( .. This chapter is dedicated to XxSynysterxX ..Thank you for the comment!..x