So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 16

Lexi's pov...

I watched as Jake unlocked the front door of the cottage. He walked inside looking back at me before motioning me to come inside.
Hesitantly I began to make my way down the pathway, slowly stepping inside. Within second's Jake had shut the front door and pulled me over to the couch, sitting me on his lap.
"So... you have the key's... how?"
Jake grinned sheepishly at me.
"Well... this place is sort of like a holiday home."
Confusion washed over me, holiday home? Jake lifted me up sitting me next to him before he stood up as well.
"But whose holiday home?"
"My mum and dad's silly. They have only had it a few months though, I didn't know about it until last week."
"Okay, so you've brought me here because..." I trailed off hoping he would enlighten me.
"I wanted to show you this place. This could be like a little getaway place for us, this could be the place we spend time alone." He replied wiggling his eyebrows in meaning.
"That's the only reason you've brought me here." I said, laughing lightly.
"Well a man does have his need's."
"Aww my poor baby."
Struggling to keep a straight face, I let a smile linger on my features.
"Exactly! What are you going to do about it?"
"Well..." I started.
"Wait! Hold on! I've got to get our stuff from the car!" Jake yelled, running out of the front door.
Our stuff?! What the hell!
Standing up from the couch, I wandered around, looking in the different room's. I stopped at the stairs, not waiting for Jake to come back I silently started to walk up them until I reached the top. There we're two big room's. Walking into one I automatically went to the window and looked outside. My breath caught in my throat, it was beautiful.
"It's a good view isn't it."
I jumped, spinning around coming face to face with an amused Jake.
"That wasn't funny!" I yelled, hitting his arm.
"Yes, yes it was!" He laughed, wrapping his arm's around my waist, pulling me into his embrace.
"You brought our stuff? When did you even manage to get some stuff together?"
"Since I had enough time to do it when you wasn't around and I knew what I wanted to do tonight." Jake replied, a triumphant grin spread on his face. Honestly you would think he actually won the lottery.
"You we're that sure of yourself huh? You do remember your mum wanted to talk to me tonight?"
Jake's face lowered down to my own, his lips resting just above my own.
"Oh well, she'll just have to talk to you tomorrow won't she..."
Jake's lips touched my own, the passion that had been building since we got home finally took ahold of us both. No-one to interrupt, nothing could stop us this time.

'A lonely road, crossed another cold state line, Miles away from those I love, Hope is hard to find...'
"Jake... get your phone!" I grumbled, my face buried in the pillow.
"No..." He whined, pulling me closer to him.
"Jake I'm being serious answer your damn phone." Hearing him moan again I continued... "What if something's happened to your mum or dad?!"
"You're evil!" He shouted, sitting upright and answering his phone. "Hello?"
"We're at the holiday home..." Jake replied to the less than happy voice on the phone. "Fine we're leaving now." He grumbled, ending the call and glaring at me.
"We have to leave now thank's Lexi."
"Hey! I satisfied your need's and you needed to answer the phone so I could go back to sleep. That's my need sorted."
Jake got out of the bed chucking my clothes at me from the floor.
"Your needs... I thought I would do your need's too." I could hear his grumbled words, causing me to giggle. I climbed out of bed, putting my clothes back on before I picked up the thing's Jake had brought with him and walking out of the bedroom.
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