So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 17

Lexi's pov...

The drive home was silent to a degree, Jake was still mumbling to himself, to which I would laugh at him for. He would get annoyed and mumble more, which caused me to laugh harder.
It didn't take long for us to get back to the house, naturally the light's we're on in the house. Looking at the clock, it was the first time I actually noticed what it was saying, 4am.
"I'm sorry for laughing at you." I mumbled, turning my head to look at Jake as we sat in the car. "You know I was only joking about the need's thing."
"Come on Jake! I've apologised! You've done worse to me and I always forgive you!"
Still nothing, apart from a small smirk that was making it's way onto his face. Defiantely I opened the car door, grabbing my few thing's and I began to make my way inside. All I had to do was step one foot inside when Cathy came out of the living room, dressing gown on and a pissed off look plastered on her face. I gulped.
"Hey Cathy!" I said, smiling at her. Her glare never faltered.
"Alexandra. Please come into the living room. Where is Jake?"
"He's... he's in the car." I whispered, worried about what exactly was going to happen now. "I'll go get him if you like."
"No, Simon is going to get Jake." Cathy snapped, Simon walked out of the living room on que and walked out of the front door. Not even bothering to speak to me.
"Alexandra, I really would like to talk to you, please come into the living room." Cathy started to walk back in until she suddenly stopped and walked around. "Actually we'll go upstairs." She changed her direction, motioning me to follow her. Reluctantly I did, placing my thing's at the top of the stairs, I continued to follow her until she stopped at the 'library'.
She turned to face me a gentle smile on her face. Confused at her change in attitude, I watched as she walked inside and motioned for me to sit down. After closing the door she sat in the chair placed opposite me.
"What did you want to talk about Cathy?" I asked hesitantly. Grabbing my hand's in her's, she looked at me seriously.
"Sweetie, I've been thinking recently... You're the only one who I can talk to about this subject. What do you think about... children?"
My eye's widened, children?!
"W... what do you mean?"
"I mean, what do you think of them? I mean when Sue told everyone she was expecting... didn't you feel anything?"
"Erm... no?"
Shock replaced the seriousness in her feature's.
"Do you want children?"
What's with all the question's?!
"I... I guess, we haven't discussed kid's yet..."
Cathy stood up and made her way to the door, looking back at me, she gave me a forced smile.
"Alexandra, before I forget your doctor called, he's transferred all of your detail's to the local surgery for you. Your dad also booked an appointment for you on Saturday."
"Thank you." I mumbled, Cathy walked out of the door, closing it firmly behind her.
Why do I have a feeling I've dug myself a hole that's going to be hell to get out of?

Later at home after work...
"Jake..." I whispered quietly incase he had fallen asleep.
"What did your dad talk to you about this morning?"
His arm's tightened around me and I lifted my head up a little.
"My birthday... it is next week after all. Or did you forget?"
"Nope, I've got a idea planned." I sighed resting my head once again on his chest, watching the TV.
"What exactly did my mum talk to you about? You've been quiet today."
"You might not want to know."
Jake moved from under me, he sat up looking at me.
"What did she talk to you about?" He asked again.
"She wanted to talk to me about... children."
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