So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 20

Lexi's pov...

Dessert had come and gone, luckily everyone was still keeping the conversation going. We had all had a piece of birthday cake for our dessert, which was... different to say the least.
[Link to the cake, take a look at the whole website their really cool :P - ]

Still there was alot to take back with us, by the look's of it we will be eating cake for the next few week's. Maybe months!
"Present's!" Jen yelled, clapping her hand's, causing everyone to look at her.
"Here you go son." Simon passed over a massive box, wrapped of course.
Eagerly Jake unwrapped the box and undone it, only to pull out another smaller box. Once again Jake unwrapped it and undone it, and once again he pulled out a smaller box. This happened once more, until Jake pulled out his key's.
"Dad? You stole my key's to give them to me for my birthday?" Jake asked, holding them up, a bewildered expression on his face.
Laughing Simon nudged Cathy, who by the look's of it didn't know anything about the key trick.
"No. There's something different about them."
"Are you going crazy dad? There's nothing different with them!" Jake looked at me, all I could do was shrug my shoulder's. Honestly I couldn't see the difference either. Huffing Simon took the key's, flicking through them until he got to a particular one, holding it up for us all to see.
"You gave me another key? Gee thank's dad."
"This isn't just another key! It's a key to a special room in our house."
"A special room?" I asked intrigued.
"Got your attention now haven't I?!" Simon's face gleamed with pride, he tapped his nose with a finger before continuing. "You're going to have to wait for the weekend until I tell you what room."
Rolling his eye's, Jake took the present Cathy was now holding out to him. Unwrapping it, he found two thing's, resting them both in his lap. His eye's widened and he looked at Cathy.
"Mum... I don't think both of these belong to me."
Looking down into his lap my own eye's widened.
"Oh no dear, don't be silly it's for Lexi." She replied sweetly.
"Why did you put it in his birthday present?!" I gritted my teeth, snatching the item from Jake's lap, grabbing my bag I stuffed it inside.
"Well you wouldn't have taken it willingly."
"I'll show you what I'll do willingly. Are you ready?" Standing up, bag in hand I walked over to one of the waiter's asking where the ladie's we're. Satisfied I walked back over to the table.
"Ready to see what I'm going to do Cathy? I'd really appreciate it, I mean it is your money that I'm going to chuck away." Backing up a few step's I waited to see if she would move.
"Not coming? Okay! See you in a second!" A smirk on my face, I made my way to the toilet's, grabbing the pregnancy test out of my bag I chucked it into the solitary bin in there.
I chuckled to myself. "Like I would need a pregnancy test."
Feeling lighter on my feet, I made my way back to the table, smile spread across my face. Taking a glup of my coke, I tried to ignore the glare I was getting from Cathy, the waiter walked over placing the check infront of Cathy and Simon.
"Ready for the second part of the night?" I asked quietly, once again picking up my bag.
Everyone had started to get up, our friend's had made their way out to the car's waiting for Jake and myself to get there. Standing up I waited for Jake, grabbing his hand when he had finished.
"Alexandra! I need to speak with you now!" Cathy yelled, after we started walking away. Giving Jake my bag, I pushed him away, trying to get him to leave. I didn't want to ruin his birthday more.
Walking back to Cathy, she pulled out a chair and pointed to it, waiting for me to sit down.
"What you did tonight was despicable!"
"No Cathy, what you did was despicable! How can you do that to your own son?! Tonight was his night and what happen's you have to bring up a topic that we need to discuss! I'm not being funny Cathy but this is our life, it's my body! You cannot tell me what to do, yes you're my mother-in-law and I appreicate that. You need to wait until we come to you about it okay? Jake and myself decided that we would discuss the topic after his birthday, neither of us wanted to ruin it. I need to go Cathy, it's still his night, be satisfied that we're discussing it okay? I'll see you later." Standing up, I didn't wait for any response, I made my way to the car. Slipping into the driver's seat, I started the car.
"You okay?" Jake asked worriedly, grabbing my hand.
"I'm just peachy, let's just forget about what happened at dinner. Right we're going home for a second so Tony can get his car and we'll be off for part 2."
Jen's hand went onto my shoulder, moving forward she whispered into my ear.
"What did she do?"
"She gave me a pregancy test, which I chucked into the bin."

It wasn't long until we we're at my hometown. Parking in my old house, I grinned up at the place.
"Okay, we can all get sorted before we go out, then it's time to hit the road again." I said to them all as I opened the front door.
"Bugsy first to the toilet!" Sue called out, running upstairs. I began to walk through the house I used to call home, still nothing had changed from my last visit. Jake's arm's wrapped around my waist as I stood at the back door looking out into the garden.
"You alright now?" He muttered kissing just under my ear.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. It's not everyday it happen's."
Sue came down, clearing her throat, we turned around. Jake stepped away from me, giving me a kiss before walking out of the room.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
I heard her sigh, pulling out a kitchen chair.
"You we're happy, you we're wrapped up kin your own life that I felt as though I didn't matter anymore! Okay?! I've always had you there and now it's Jen all the time! I miss you and I didn't want to mess your life up! Let's face it Lexi you've got the perfect husband and you've now got a job. What do I have, huh?! A baby that's going to make me get fat, no job and my family don't even care about me anymore!"
"You've still got me you always have done! I've never left you ever! I want to be there for you, you're like a sister to me, I want to be there when you go to scan's or at least know about it! I want to know everything!"
"I'm... I'm sorry I didn't tell you Lex, I know I should have but I thought you we're happier in your new life."
"I'm sorry too. If I'd known that you felt that way I would have made it clearer that I'm here."
Sue stood up from her seat, walking over to me, her arm's wrapped around me as mine did her.
"You want to see the scan?" She asked, her face lit up as she pulled out a picture out of her bag.
"Awww Sue, it's tiny!"
"Duh!" She spamed my head, rolling her eyes.
"Okay you two, ready to go?" Tony asked walking over to Sue. We both nodded our head's and we set off yet again.

We ended up at the local nightclub and it wasn't as bad as it used to be. Luckily it was only a few block's away from my house, so thankfully I could drink, if I wanted to anyway. I was dancing with Jake, resting my head on his chest, when a wave of nausea washed over me. Telling him I would be back I walked into the ladie's which we're thankfully empty. I fell to my knee's, managing to get my hair pulled back before I was sick. Gradually it faded, I rested against the stall wall, waiting to see if I would be sick anymore. Wait, why was I sick?
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Mwahaha!!! What do you guys think? Is she ill? Pregnant? I mean I didn't say if they used protection or not did I? ;) Hahahaha! This is dedicated to XxSynysterxX ..Thank's for the comment! Enjoy!..x