So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 21

Lexi's pov...

I don't know how long I sat in the toilet trying to figure the reason to why I was sick. The thought that had been firmly planted in my mind was that it was just a bug, I would be fine in a few day's. Standing up I scooped up a handful of water, I drank some wishing it around in my mouth before spitting it out and looking at my reflection. Wiping my mouth for a double check, I washed my hand's before walking out of the toilet's. I began to make my way to where Sue and Tony had decided to sit for a while.
"Hey, where did you go?" Sue asked as I sat down. "The boy's we're just about to send out a search party."
"Toilet's I wasn't feeling too good. I'm alright now though, where have they gone?"
She eyed me skeptically, before resting her head on my shoulder, to which I rested my own head onto her head.
"To get some drink's." She yawned.
"Are you tired? You can go home you know? I didn't..."
"I'm fine! Stop worrying!" She cut me off. "Hey have you seen Jen? She was on the dancefloor last time I saw her with Sam."
I stood up, my eye's searching the club. Seated at the end of the bar, Jen was talking to Sam.
"She's still with Sam don't worry, she'll come back when she's ready." I reassured her, as she rested her head back on my shoulder.
The boy's made their way back, smile's clear on their face's.
"Hey, where did you go? I tried looking for you." Jake mumbled into my ear as he stood me up, before sitting down himself and putting me on his lap.
"Toilet's, I didn't feel too good." Worry filled his face. "I'm alright now, promise." I finished picking up my drink and talking a mouthful.
The rest of the night, well to me it was a blur. A blur of drinks, dancing and fun. The next thing I knew we we're on our way home.
"Well I'm glad all of you have had a drunken night." Sue huffed, Tony wrapped his arm around her shoulder's. To be honest he was practically sober.
"Aww Sue, I promise to babysit so you can have a night out." I said softly, looking over at her. "I'm sure that the guy's will babysit so we can go out too."
Jen nodded her head excitedly, as the guy's head's all snapped in my direction.
"What?!" They all said simultaineously.
"Shut up, you know you will do it." I replied, waving my hand absentmindedly.
I stopped walking, my feet beginning to feel the pain of being in heel's for hours.
"What's wrong?" Jake asked, walking back a few step's to help me balance.
"Heel's. They do nothing but cain your feet." I groaned, slipping them off. Holding them in one hand, I linked my other hand into Jake's.
We all made our way back home, it took a bit longer then planned, Jen fell over her own feet. Unfortunatly she managed to pull Sam and Jake down with her... somehow.
Everyone trudged into the room's they had put their thing's. Sue and Tony we're sleeping in my room, while Jen and Sam had the single bed's in the small spare room. Jake and myself we're downstairs on the sofa bed, not feeling tired I walked into the kitchen, opening the back door. Walking to the fridge, I grabbed a bottle of water before walking outside again and sitting on the bench. Jake soon came outside and sat next to me, pulling me into him, resting his head on my own.
"Did you have a good night?" I asked quietly.
"Yeah I did, thank you Lex. You've made this birthday one of the best."
A smile crept onto my face as we looked up into the stars, this night could last forever.

When I got to bed was beyond me, all I remember is waking up the next morning, Jake still asleep next to me. A smile crept onto my face once again, as I recalled the word's he said to me. I sat up slowly, a wave of nausea washed over me once again, I found myself running upstairs and into the bathroom. I heard a door creak as I relaxed against the bathroom wall, I wiped my mouth with some toilet paper before chucking it into the toilet and flushing it.
"Rough morning?" A voice asked quietly.
"A major hangover more like." I muttered, groaning as I pushed myself up off the wall and made my way to the sink.
"Lex, everything's okay with you right?"
Turning around, toothbrush in my mouth, I looked at Sam who was standing just inside the bathroom now. Nodding my head, I continued to brush my teeth, I heard him sigh before walking away. Why would anything be wrong? I mean I've only been sick twice in two day's one without any alcohol in my system and once with. What could possibly be wrong?!
Mentally scolding myself, I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash, I had a hangover. End of story, nothing more.
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Okay so I know it's not that long but it needed to end where it did (: Erm sorry this update's late this week's been a bit crappy to me so far but hey (: .. Thank you for being really patient with me you all rock (: I couldn't ask for better reader's to be honest :D This chapter is dedicated to XxSynysterxX, storyluver1143, XxForeverlove21xX and snowdancer22 ..Thank you for the comment's!..x
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