So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 23

[A/N - Okay! I know some of you may hate me for what I'm going to do but I think it's a turn that this story need's to take.. You never know what could happen though!! Something might change!! Thank you for being so patient with me! I've missed updating SO much :( ..x]

Lexi's pov...

I blinked, trying to focus my attention on the pregnancy test that was now placed on the toilet seat.
"Lex? Are you okay?" Sue called through the door.
I opened my mouth, no word's came out.
"Lex?!" She yelled, knocking on the door slightly.
"I... I'm okay Sue. I just..." I trailed off, my mind running at a thousand mile's an hour.
"You just what? God dammit Lexi open the door!"
Shaking I stood from my position on the floor, slowly unlocking the door. Sue opened it almost immediately, looking directly into my eyes. Tear's welling up in my eyes, I moved my gaze to the floor, moving out of the toilet, before sitting down on one of the chair's. Placing my head in my hand's, I tried to control my breathing.
"Lex..." Sue called softly, lifting my head up slightly, I struggled to meet her gaze.
"Sweetie it will be fine, you'll see." She tried to reassure me. But even I could hear the tremor in her voice, as she sat down next to me, her hand automatically rubbing my back.
"How can it be fine Sue?! I... we're not ready for this. I can't have a kid Sue, you maybe strong enough but I can't!" Stopping as the unshed tears began to cascade down my cheek's. "Jake and I have already had an arguement today! I can't just go home and be like 'oh by the way Jake, I'm pregnant!' That isn't how it works Sue!"
"Tony and I managed to fix it Lexi! We managed to get through our problem's and deal with the fact that we are having a child together! You and Jake are MARRIED that is the difference here Lexi! You're both commited to each other, no matter what!"
Standing up from my seat, I took a few step's back, hugging myself with my arm's.
"We we're forced into this marriage!"
"Big deal! You're still in love with each other! So what if you we're forced to get married in the end you wanted to get married to Jake! Stop blaming everyone else for what's happening here Lexi! If you don't lookat what's happening now you're going to be screwed."
Without giving mea chance to respond, Sue stormed out of the shop, slamming the door on her way out.
My day's just getting better.

The rest of the day went by slowly, the test was still sitting in the toilet, I was determind not to go in there at all cost's until I could figure out what was going on in my own head. Few customer's came into the shop, leaving me with my own thought's for company.
How do I tell Jake?
How do I tell everyone?
Am I ready for this?

Those we're a few question's that whizzed though my head, as I waited impatiently for the end of the day to arrive.

Jake's pov...

I slammed the wrench down on the work bench, sitting down roughly in the seat next to it.
"Jake? You okay?" Rob called from across the garage.
"Huh? Oh yeah. I'm fine."
Standing up from my seat, I began to look around the garage, trying to find something that could occupy my mind. Unfortunately, nothing worked, my mind was still on what Lexi had been like this morning. Granted, I had heard some of Sue's and Lexi's conversation this morning, but you could tell something was wrong.
"Jake! We're closing up in a second!" Rob called out once more.
Putting away all of the tools and closing the car's for the day, we gathered all of our thing's before walking outside.
"Is something wrong with you and your Mrs?" Liam asked, slipping on his jacket.
"Nothing that can't be fixed." I mumbled, not really wanting to discuss the subject.
"Oh, well I hope you guy's sort it out. I'll see you tomorrow Jake. Bye Rob!" He called as he walked away.
I heard Rob's faint goodbye, as I slipped on my own jacket.
"So, what are you doing tonight?" He asked, pulling his key's from his pocket, as he pulled he door's closed before locking them.
"I... I'm not sure to be honest."
"Well, if your Mrs doesn't mind, how about you come down the pub?"
"Erm... I'll give you a tex... actually you know what I will. What time?"
A smile grew on Rob's face, as he slapped my shoulder.
Looking at my watch I noticed I only had an hour to get home, get changed and leave again.
Rob laughed, before walking in the opposite direction. I mean Lexi wouldn't mind if I wanted to go out. Would she?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm SOOOO sorry for not updating sooner! I've had my niece and nephew down for the week they only left Monday :( I did try and update but I'm not a fan of people reading over your shoulder while you write haha! Anyways, I know it's not that long but I'm trying to update before I leave for the wedding tomorrow! I know some of you might hate me for what I've done but you never know what could happen! Comment me? Tell me your opinions?? This chapter is for storyluver1143, XxSynysterxX, Nessie101, Mystic Dreamer and wivvymarie ..Thank you for the comment's!!

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