So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 25

Lexi's pov...

Composing myself, I pushed myself up from the floor, not bothering to go back into the kitchen I made my way upstairs. Walking into my old room, I laid on the bed, facing the balcony. My thought's running at a thousand mile's an hour, my dad had gone home, I couldn't help that. Jake had left to go to the pub, that I could have stopped, but that would have caused more problem's.
"Lexi sweetie?"
Rolling over, I turned to see Cathy at the door.
"I just wanted to let you know Simon and I are going out for the night. We won't be home until tomorrow night, will you and Jake be okay?"
"Okay, yeah we'll be fine Cathy, don't worry." I replied, my voice trembling slightly.
"Sweetie what's wrong?" She asked concerned, walking over to the bed, before sitting down.
"Nothing, we've just had an arguement is all. Don't worry, you go out have fun."
"He'll come around, all men do eventually. Bye Lexi."
I watched as she walked out of the room, looking back at me, before closing the bedroom door. Sighing, I rolled over once more, smiling slightly as I looked at my Ipod. Grabbing it, I turned it on, placing it on shuffle before placing it back in the dock.
'Do you remember when we didn't care... We we're just two kid's that took the moment when it was there...'
I turned up the volume, not caring if anyone heard, as 'Another heart calls' by The All American Rejects played.
My smile grew bigger, sitting up, I wrapped myself in the blanket that was on the end of the bed. My eyes closed as I sang along to the words.
My eyes slowly opened, biting my lip, I turned the volume down a fraction. I looked towards the door, jumping slightly as I did.
"What the hell?!" I squeaked. Turning down the volume lower, I turned back to Jake.
"I thought you we're going to the pub."
"So did I. I got halfway there, and I pulled over. I didn't want you to be mad at me, I couldn't handle that, so I came back home. I'd rather sort this out with you, then be down the pub, without you."
"Aww Jake..."
"No Lex listen. You need to tell me what goes on, that's what I was annoyed about, you we're keeping something from me. We're married Lexi, we live together for christ sake!"
"Don't you think I know that Jake! Did it ever occour to you I was scared?! You know every god damn thing about me! I don't tell you one thing because I didn't know what to do and you don't like it?! I'm sorry but if I don't want to tell you something straight away you're going to have to deal with it! I can't force myself to tell you these thing's!"
Unwrapping the blanket from around me, I got off of the bed, spinning around to face Jake.
"I'm just sorry okay?" Taking a breath, I looked down at myself. "I'm sorry that I was the one you got forced to marry. I'm sorry that I can't be what you want me to be. Trust me I would if I could, but I can't be everything."
Jake opened his mouth, nothing came out and he closed it once more.
"I love you but I can't be everything you need."
"Why can't you see that I'm happy?" He snapped.
"W... What?"
"I'm happy married to you! You are everything I want! Lexi I would give you the world." He walked toward's me, stopping a few feet away. "I love you because you are you. I wouldn't love you if you weren't how you are."
"Really?" I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes.
"Yeah." He continued toward's me, wrapping his arm's around me. His lips crashing onto my own, my body relaxed, my arm's wrapped around him. My eyes closed, I felt myself being lifted, then being laid down on something soft.
"Jake, wait." I mumbled, opening my eyes.
"Why..." He groaned.
"Did you want to know what was up?"
Suddenly alert, he sat up, pulling me with him.
"Yeah I do."
"Can this be like the news room?" I asked suddenly.
Confusion swept across his face, but still he nodded. Moving out of his embrace, I moved to the end of the bed, crossing my leg's facing him.
"You promise you won't get mad or anything?" I asked, biting my lip, nerves filled me again.
"I... I promise."
"I... I'm..." Nausea washed over me, forgetting about everything, I ran out of the room and into the bathroom. I could hear Jake's footstep's running after me, I felt him pick up my hair, rubbing my back with his other hand. Gradually it faded, flushing the toilet, I leant against the wall.
"You okay?" Jake asked, worry coating his voice.
"No. This is what I've been trying to tell you." I replied, wiping my mouth with some toilet roll. Looking at him, I took a deep breath, it was now or never.
"I'm... I'm pregnant." I rushed, closing my eyes tight.
Opening one of my eyes slightly, Jake was still in the same position. Crouching down, leaning against the wall, only this time his mouth was open.
"You... we... baby?" He stuttered.
"Surprise!" I yelled half-heartedly.
"This is some sort of joke right?" He asked, looking at me. My heart fell, the worst reaction was coming.
"No, some part of me wishes it was."
It was silent for a while before Jake finally spoke.
"How long have you known?"
"Since about 2pm."
He slid down, a thump heard, as his bum hit the floor.
"O...Okay. We can deal with this." He muttered, more to himself then anything. "Why didn't you ring me or anything?!"
Standing up, I grabbed my toothbrush, running the water.
"You we're pissed at me. I needed time to think Jake."
Placing toothpaste on the brush, I run some water over it, before placing it in my mouth.
"What did you think about?"
Holding up a finger, I continued to brush my teeth. Finsihing up, I wiped my mouth, grabbing Jake's hand before pulling him out of the bathroom.
"I thought about how I would tell you. I mean, we haven't been married that long and being parent's is major. Honestly I don't know if we're ready or not. This has come too soon."
Putting my PJ's on, I chucked my washing into the wash basket, before climbing into bed.
"What do you think about it?" I asked, worry clear.
"It's going to be a challenge. My mum will be pleased."
"I'm sorry."
Climbing into bed himself, he pulled me into his embrace, resting his head on my own.
"Don't be sorry, it's my fault."
A chuckle escaped my lips, that I couldn't deny.
"No, we're both to blame." I mumbled, eyes closing involuntary. I felt Jake kiss my forehead, before I fell into a peaceful sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmmm.. What do you think?? I didn't want to make his reaction too bad.. Especially since they just made up (: Message me your thought's I would love to hear them! This is for Nessie101, wivvymarie and storyluver1143 ..Thank you for the comment's!..x

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