So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 26

Lexi's pov...

"What?" I whined, not opening my eyes.
"Come on! I need to show you something."
"Sue, why are you hell bent on making me move."
"Lex just get up, I don't want Sue to start whining too." Jake muttered, his voice husky from sleep.
"Fine! I'm coming! Just go out of the room, I'll be in the kitchen in a minute."
Hearing a gleeful 'yes', I heard Sue run out of the room, as best as she could anyway.
It's been 2months since I found out I was pregnant. Next month is my first scan, thankfully nobody know's yet. Jake, Sue and myself decided to not tell anyone until the all clear. Stretching, I yawned, shuffling the edge of the bed.
"LEXI!" Sue yelled up the stairs. Groaning, I stood up, walking towards the bedroom door.
"Alexandra if you're not down here in the next 2minutes!"
"For god sake! Sue, I'm coming!" I shouted back, opening the bedroom door. "Don't get why I have to be up at..." Trailing off, I looked at the clock, 11am. "Jake?"
"It's 11o'clock."
"So?" He groaned, pushing the covers away from his head.
"I'm up and for the first time, I'm not feeling that nauseous!"
Giving me a thmbs up, I rolled my eyes, walking out of the bedroom.
By the time I got into the kitchen, Sue was pacing up and down.
"What's up?" I asked stepping into the kitchen.
"Finally! I had a dream last night..."
"Okay..." I trailed off hoping she would finish.
"No it was horrible Lex! I've got one more month to go and the baby's out! I'm freaking out here!" She rushed out, pulling out a seat at the table.
"Sue, you'll be fine. Just think in 7months I'll be there too. I will be with you Sue okay? I promise. Women obviously are meant to go through this. Think about it, if men we're stronger than us, they would be the one's carrying the babies." Holding her hand's, I pulled her into a hug. "You can... we can get through this, together."
"Go get ready, we'll go out and see if we can find anymore outfits we can get him." I told her, a smile appearing on her face, as her hand's rubbed her bump.
Her smile never left her face as she walked out of the kitchen. At least I've done something good today.
"Good morning dear, would you like any breakfast?"
Jumping slightly, I turned to see Cathy, smiling widely.
"Oh no thanks, I'm going to get something out with Sue."
"Okay dear, Simon and I won't be in tonight, so you can have the house to yourselves." Still the smile was firmly planted on her face.
"Okay, I'm going to get ready. I'll see you tomorrow then." Turning around, I walked out of the kitchen without looking back.
"Your mum and dad aren't going to be home tonight." I stated as I walked into the bedroom, shutting the door firmly behind me.
"Oh really?"
"Yup, so what do you want to do tonight?" I asked, looking through my clothes for something to wear.
"What do you want to do?"
"Let's all hang out here tonight. I mean Jen's going home Monday, Sue's only going to be here for a few more days. Then she's got to go back because she's having her baby. Then you'll be stuck with just me again."
Jake rolled his eyes, getting off of the bed, before walking over to me.
"Yeah because that's such a hardship." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around me.
"Can you believe we've been married nearly 5months?"
"Can you believe it's a month until christmas?" Jake repsonded.
Hitting his arm gently, I pulled out of his embrace, searching through my clothes once more.
Jake's chin rested on my shoulder, as his arm's wrapped around my waist once again.
"What do you want for christmas?" He asked suddenly.
"Hmmm... Why not make our family complete? Get a dog."
Pulling out a pair of jeans and a loose top, I walked to the bedroom door, Jake still attached to me.
"You really want a dog?"
"Honestly? I don't know what I want." I muttered, kissing him quickly before walking out of the room.

Jake's pov...

Walking out of the bedroom, I heard the shower turn on. An idea came to me and I made my way to Sue's room. Quickly knocking on the door, I rushed inside when she opened it.
"I need you to do me a favour." I said quickly.
"What would that be Jake?"
"I need to find out what Lexi want's for christmas."
"I'll give her, her nephew." Sue smiled, putting her thing's in her bag.
"You can do that Sue, but what can I give her?"
"I'll figure it out Jake, don't worry yourself okay?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I know it's not super long and it's a filler but we've got alot of thing's going on in the next load of chapters because Lexi's got her first scan.. Then she's got to tell Cathy and Simon.. Sue's baby's due.. Christmas time.. Need I carry on haha.. This chapter is dedicated to wivvymarie and storyluver1143 ..Thank you for the messages! Enjoy!..x