So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 28

Lexi's pov...

"Should we go back downstairs now?" Jake asked, pulling me into him.
A smile crept onto my face, I kissed his jaw, moving out of his embrace. Grabbing some tracksuit bottoms from the draws, as well as a top, I pulled them on.
"Come on lazy bones, get up." I pushed him slightly, after walking over to the bed once more.
Jake groaned, grabbing my waist as he rolled over, pulling me closer to the bed.
"Jake! Fine if you're not getting up, I'm going downstairs." I pulled away once again, smiling, as I made my way to the bedroom door.
I had managed to get to the bottom of the stairs, before Jake caught up with me, wrapping his arm's around me. We both walked into the living room, taking the free seat's.
"Look who's here you guy's." Jen laughed, moving her gaze from the TV.
"It's the lovebirds." Sam mumbled.
"What're we watching?" I asked, settling into the seat, turning my gaze to the TV.
"P.S. I love you." Sue replied, absentmindedly.
"You two agreed to watch a chick flick?" Jake asked, the surprise clear in his tone.
"You'd be surprised what the other film was. Anyway Lexi would have pursuaded you to watch this one! Don't complain." Tony told him.
The conversation drew to a close and the six of us watched movies for the rest of the night.
I can't remember what time I fell asleep, all I remembered was being carried upstairs.
"Morning sunshine!"
Groaning, my hand's automatically covering my face, I rubbed my eyes gently.
"Jen? What're you doing up so early?" I mumbled, slowly uncovering my eyes.
"I'm leaving today remember? You've got to help me pack up my thing's!"
"It's Monday?!" I squeaked jumping out of bed.
"Yeah, it's also 7.30." Jen replied.
Turning back to the bed, I noticed Jake already out, running slightly to the wardrobe.
"I'm going to be late!" He yelled, grabbing his clothes before running out of the room.
"Are you going to work?" Jen asked, her voice showing the disappointment.
"No, I took it off remember?"
A smile spread across her face as I finished my sentence.
"Let's get some breakfast first yeah?" I asked, linking my arm through her's before pulling her out of the room.
Breakfast was a somewhat easy task, after placing it all on the kitchen table, both of us sat down.
"What do you wan to do after you've got all your stuff together?"
Jen looked at me, a sheepish grin planted on her face.
"I... actually I was going to hang with Sam for a bit." She replied.
"Oh, what about after?"
"I'm coming back, grabbing my thing's and heading home."
"Okay, that's cool. I'll find something to do today."
I heard footstep's nearing the kitchen, Jake ran into the room, stopping to grab the toast that was on the side.
"I'll see you soon Jen! Bye Lex, love you." He rushed out, giving me a quick kiss, before rushing out of the room once more.
"Love you too!" I called out, just in time to hear the front door close.
"You two are sweet you know." Jen sighed. "I wish I could have that..."
I smiled.
"You obviously don't see the way Sam look's at you then."
"What do you mean?"
"Jen, he likes you." I told her, her face now tinged with pink, she bit her lip.
Why do I get the feeling Jen will hook up with Sam before she leaves?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay it's short and it's a filler! I know it will get better I promise! Sooo sorry! I've been working non stop this week and at college! I'm SOO sorry that this updates taken ages! Thank you for being so patient.. I don't blame you if you rate this low.. This is dedicated to storyluver1143, Nessie101 and wivvymarie ..Thanks for the comment's! Rate? Thank yoou..x

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