So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 29

Lexi's pov...

I looked at the bag's that we're placed at the front door. Jen was leaving in a matter of minutes and I couldn't stop the tears that welled up in my eyes. The truth was, after Sue leaves Wednesday we'll be back to how we we're. Jake, Cathy, Simon and me. Not that it was a bad thing of course.
"Hey Lex?"
Turning my head, I waited for Jen to reach me.
"I will be back soon you know? I'm not leaving you forever." She muttered, wrapping her arms around me.
"I know you will, it's just hard. I've been used to you and Sue being around all the time. Now you're both going to be leaving me."
"Don't be silly, we're only a phone call away. I've got to leave Lexi. I'll text you when I get home alright?" She tried reassuring me, slowly letting me go, picking up her bags.
"Okay. Bye Jen. Love you!" I called out to her, as she walked down the driveway. I could hear the faint call back, I stood watching as she pulled out of the driveway.
"Now what can I do?" I mumbled to myself, shutting the door, and leaning against it. I shuffled into the living room, walking immediately towards the dvd rack, looking through them all. A smile crept onto my face, as I pulled out one. Placing it on the side, I made my way upstairs, pulling the duvet off of the bed, bringing it back down with me. I placed it on the couch before going into the kitchen, making some hot chocolate, not forgetting some biscuits too.
Soon I was wrapped up in the covers, laying down on the sofa, watching the dvd start up.
Watching as the movie unfolded, I couldn't help but laugh a little. Monster-In-Law was the title. To be honest, it reminded me of Cathy, not just by the title either by the actions of the character. That was how my day continued, numerous films we're watched. I didn't know what time it was before my eyes felt heavy. The scent of Jake on the duvet filled my nose, as I buried my face into it.
Poking my head out, I was surprised to see Jake standing in the doorway.
"Jake? What're you doing home so early?"
He smiled, walking over to me.
"We had a half day, which I was glad of. It's mean's I can spend more time with my beautiful wife."
"Aww shucks, you're making me blush. I'm glad you're home though." I muttered, his lips lowered to mine, just as the last word left my mouth.
I felt him lift me up from the sofa, I smiled into the kiss. Happiness filled me, nothing could spoil this moment.

The month passed quickly, not to mention Sue had safely returned home. I was in the back room at work when the bell on the door went. Standing up, I began to walk out only to be stopped by Hayley.
"It's Jake." She muttered, smiling.
"Thanks. Are you sure it's okay to leave? I mean I can always go another day..."
"No! Lexi you're going, I don't need you for the rest of the afternoon." She turned to face Jake, before continuing. "You do not let her come back here! Not until tomorrow morning when I will get all the info."
"But..." I tried again, this time to be cut off by Jake.
"No but's Lex, let's go find out what we need to. I'm taking you somewhere afterwards anyway." He stated, his tone final.
Grabbing my bag and jacket, I walked out of the staff room. A sigh left my lips as we stepped outside.
"Why are you worried?" Jake asked suddenly, grabbing my hand within his own, pulling me towards the car.
"I've been able to... forget about this... sort of at least. Now we're on our way to the doctors and everything's just real again."
Opening the car door, Jake let me sit down before crouching down infront of me.
"Look, this is difficult for me too. But as long as we're in this together that's all that matters. We're going to make this work and we're going to be good parents. Got it?"
My mouth went dry, all I got do was nod my head, surprised at Jake's determination. But he was right, together we can do anything.
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This chapter is WELL overdue but I have good news :D Updates are going to be better starting now! Everything that was stopping me is getting gradually better so I'll be able to update often [still excluding Tues/Weds and now Sat] I've been doing so much overtime at work because they've needed me so I'm SO sorry for the lack of updates for this story.. I know this chapter isn't THAT long but I'm updating this story this week again (: This chapter is dedicated to storyluver1143, wivvymarie, MoonlitTearsOfLove and last but not least XxBoy_ObsessedxX ..Thank you SO much for the comment's they mean the world to me! Enjoy!..x