So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 3

Lexi's pov...

Surprisingly no-one spoke again, you could feel the tension in the room. Everyone was uncomfortable. Clearing my throat, I pushed my chair back letting my hand fall out of Jake's.
"I'm going to go upstairs, unpack and... take a nap. I'll talk to you all later I guess."
Feeling the eye's following me out of the room I left the dining room and began to make my way upstairs. Honestly I needed time to think, my life keeps taking turns that are unexpected. Granted Sue isn't me, her life has nothing to do with mine really,but she's like a sister to me. Plopping myself down on the bed I pulled my bag up to me from beside the bed, plugging my IPod into it's dock.
Hero/Heroine - BoysLikeGirls started playing, a smile spread across my face not for the first time that day. Singing the words I began to drag the bags up onto the bed, gradually I began to shuffle through them both chucking the dirty clothes intoa pile on the floor. Not an hour later I had put the suitcases underneath the bed, the bathroom essentials where back where they belonged and I was just about to grab a laundry basket to put the dirty washing in so I could clean them. Quietly making my way downstairs I heard voice's still inside the dining room. Deciding against listening to themI plodded around until I found the basket I had been looking for. Unfortunatly my attempt to get back upstairs failed.
Want to know why?
"Look I wish you would leave Lexi and myself alone! We only just got married why the hell do you have to start putting your nose in where it isn't WANTED!"
There was a muffled sound and Jake's voice rang clear again.
"You know what?! Youdidn'teven think that getting married was hard for us both?! We got married because you ARRANGED it! Why the hell can't we be normal for a few months!"
Another muffled sound flittered through, I used that as my getaway. Running quickly upstairs I chucked the washing into the basket quickly double checking I had everything before going back down. Still only a muffled sound could be heard.
"Lex! What are you doing?" Jen yelled surprised.
No guessing everyone filedout of the dining room also.
"Washing?" I stated as I held out the washing basket as proof.
"Well, we need to talk to you dear." Cathy said forcing a smile.
I looked around skeptically before nodding my head.
"Okay, let me just put this on." Not waiting for an answer I turned and walked into the laundry room. Footsteps followed me, knowing who it was I didn't bother to stop until the washing was on.
"What does she have to say? Am I going to get annoyed?"
Jake looked at me, nothing showing on his face.
"I'm not saying but it's not as bad as you think, trust me. I think I stopped her from over-stepping the mark when I yelled."
A sigh escaped my lips, god only know's what's going to happen now.
"Come on we better go." Jake said as he unwrapped his arms and took my hand. What exactly could Cathy want?

"Okay kids, Simon and myself have come to a conclusion..." Cathy started as soon as we had taken the empty seats in the room.
"A conclusion to what?" I interrupted, an irritated sound escapedCathy's lips as she closed her eyes.
"About what you both can do now that you have made that commitment to each other. Obviously you both can't stay in all day and everyday, we feel that you need to earn your keep. You both need to decide what you want to do with your lives."
"What if we decide to go to college?" Jake questioned. "How could we earn our keep then?"
Simon's face lit up at the question as soon as Cathy's mouth had opened to respond he started to talk.
"Obviously we wouldn't mind you going to college, we would still help pay until you have finished your courses. Even if it mean's you have to get a Saturday job or something, you can keep that money of course."
"So what do you feel you want to do?"
Can it be possible for Simon to be more excited then us?
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I noo it's short but hey I'm writing the next chapter now :D ..
This chapter is dedicated to MoonlitTearsOfLove and Nessie101 .. Thank you for your comments!..x