So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 30

Lexi's pov...

The anxious feeling didn't fade as we pulled up to the doctors. I honestly didn't know what to expect, sure I'd been to Sue's later scan's, but it's different when it's you. I got out of the car, pulling my jacket tighter around myself. Jake opened the door to the building, letting me walk inside, I felt him squeeze my hand. Taking a breath, I told the receptionist my name, taking a seat in the waiting room. We didn't have to wait long, thankfully, until my name was called. We followed the nurse into the room, I took my jacket off, feeling Jake prying it from my fingers.
"Okay sweetie, if you could jump on the bed for me." She asked, motioning towards it. Hesitantly I walked over to the bed, getting on it and laying back.
"This is your first I take it?" She asked, a gentle smile forming on her features.
"Ye..." I cleared my throat, trying to relax. "Yeah, it is."
"Well, there's no need to be nervous. It's completely natural of course, but it's absolutely fine."
"How many children have you got?" I asked, covering my mouth as soon as the words came out. "I'm so sorry, it's none of my business."
I heard Jake cough, trying to hide his laughter.
"It's fine dear, no need to apologise. I have 3 myself, two boys and a girl."
"Oh." Three?!
"Let's get this show on the road, shall we? If you can lift up your shirt for me."
Doing as she asked, I settled back into a comfy position.
"This might be a little cold." She stated, spreading clear jelly onto my abdomen. My nose scrunched up, as the cold hit me. She moved her attention to the machine placed infront of her. Getting the scanner, she began to move it slightly across my abdomen. There was a silence in the room, I grabbed Jake's hand, his gaze scanned my face.
"There we are." The nurse muttered, a smile spreading across her face. She turned the screen slightly, letting both of us see.
She moved the scanner around once more.
"There is your baby's head." She pointed toward's the screen. She turned up the volume on the machine slightly. "Now if you listen you can hear the baby's heartbeat."
She fell slient, my gaze watching the tiny screen, listening to the heartbeat of the baby that was growing inside of me. For the first time since I'd found out I was pregnant, I felt the love swell for the little thing growing inside of me. She stopped moving the scanner, pressing a button, taking the scanner away. There was a whir of a machine, the nurse moved toward's it, placing something inside of a card.
"There is the first picture of your baby. Would you like more copies?" She asked, her face gleaming with pride, as I took the picture from her hands.
"Yes please, could we have two?" I mumbled, fascinated by the picture. She gave me some tissue to wipe off the jelly, which I did gladly. Pulling my top back down, I slid off of the bed, putting my jacket back on.
"There you go dear." The nurse said, handing me the two pictures.
"Thank you." Jake replied, taking the pictures from my finger tips.
"Now, you have a decision to make." The nurse started, making me look up from the picture. "In 6week's we can determine the baby's sex. Even if you do not want to know, I would recommend you coming back, just so we can give you another check up."
I let my gaze linger on Jake's face, his smile couldn't be shaken.
"We'll have a talk about that one." He told her, grabbing my hand once again.
"Okay, I must also tell you. Your due date, it's going to be around 28th April." She informed us, her eyes darting between the two of us.
"Thank you so much." I muttered, "will it be you we see now? All the time I mean?"
"Yes it will be. I'll be looking forward to seeing you both in 6weeks."
Saying our goodbyes, we made our way out of the doctors.
"You seem happier." Jake noted, as he started the car up.
"I am happy. This..." I started pointing to the picture. "This is our creation." I couldn't keep the amazement from my tone.
"Now, it's time to tell everyone." He muttered.
"I sort of... I asked everyone to come up for lunch. With the exception of Sue and Tony."
"We're... we're having lunch with everyone?!" I squeaked.
"Yeah, I mean no one can make a scene if we're in a public place. It's better to do it now anyway. We can have the evening to ourself then."
He'd already thought of it all. Every single detail, and yet I couldn't be mad at him. I linked my fingers inbetween his own, watching as the scenery passed my window. My other hand was lightly resting on my stomach, I was truthfully happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay! Sooo she's had her first scan :D I loved writing this chapter! This chapter is dedicated to XxBoy_ObsessedxX, wivvymarie and storyluver1143 ..Thank you for the comment's! Enjoy!..x

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