So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 32

Lexi's pov...

It's been a week since Jen walked away from me in the carpark. We both haven't spoken with each other, Sue on the other hand has been the go between. Trying to get us to talk to each other, failing every single time. Everyone after that incident was fine with the pregnancy sure, everyone was shocked. Minus the few people that knew already, but I had a good feeling we did the right thing waiting. Cathy and Simon had been... giddy to say the least. Not noticing the fact that I'd lost a friend due to both of us being stubbon had to deal with. Work had become a priority, it was something to keep my thought's at bay. My phone buzzed from my pocket as I walked up the driveway, I pulled it out quickly, everyone was waiting on the news Sue had gone into labour. Opening the text from Jake, I smiled, holding onto my phone. I opened the front door, slipping off my shoes and my coat. I automatically went into the kitchen, Jake was standing there, leaning against the counter.
"Why hello there." He mumbled, grabbing my wrist as I walked closer to him. Pulling me into his arms, he lips pressed lightly against my own.
"Hey, have a good day?" I asked, pulling my head back slightly.
"It's been okay, mum and dad have been annoying but what can you do." He asked, his attention drifting to the saucepans on the cooker.
"What're we having for dinner?" I asked, my belly rumbling in anticipation.
"Spaghetti bolognese."
"Yay!" I cheered, pulling out of his embrace completely. "I'll be back in a bit, I'm just going to take a shower."
"Okay you've got 20minutes!" He called out after me.
Making a noise that let him know I heard, I hurried upstairs grabbing shorts, a top and a towel. I made my way into the bathroom, turning on the shower, waiting for the water to warm up. I sighed in content, as I stepped into the hot water, letting it cascade down my back. It didn't take long until I was back downstairs, taking the plates from the kitchen counter, placing them down on the table. Sitting down infront of my plate, I let the smell fill my nostrils, my eyes closed.
I heard Jake laugh, opening my eyes,I saw him sit down infront of me.
"That hungry huh?" He asked, picking up his fork.
"You have no idea." I told him, picking up my own fork, before loading it with the food.

After cleaning up the plates, I wandered upstairs, finding Jake laying down on the bed. I was thankful tomorrow was Saturday, no work, we could relax together. I quickly changed into my PJ's, crawling into bed, Jake automatically followed my movement. His arms wrapping around me, pulling me into him.
"Have you heard from Sue yet?" I heard him ask.
"No, not yet. I think she's still trying to get Jen to talk to me." I replied, closing my eyes, breathing in his familiar scent.
"Why..." Jake started.
"I don't know what made her say all those things, I know one thing... I am not apologising first."
I heard him sigh, his face burying into my hair.
"She'll come around, you'll see."
"Yeah in a zillion years." I grumbled.
"Night Lex, I love you."
"Love you too Jake."
That was the last thing I remembered before sleep overtook me.

I was surprised the next morning when I woke up. Jake was still sleeping, turning my head slightly, I could just about see the clock. 11am. Sighing, I let my eyes look around the room, stretching slightly. By the time my eyes came back to Jake, a smile was formed on his lips. His eyes half open, I leant forward a little, brushing my lips against his.
"Morning..." I mumbled. "What we're you planning for today?" I asked, resting back.
"Well I was thinking, maybe a trip to the cinema. Have a look around some shops for christmas presents. What do you think?"
"That's a good plan, have you any idea what you're getting your mum and dad yet?"
Shaking his head, he laughed.
"Well what did you get them last year?"
His face scrunched up.
"A voucher." He answered victoriously. His smile faded as he took in my expression.
"What?" He questioned.
"You got them a voucher? For what?"
"I don't know. I saw it and brought it, why what was you going to get them?"
"I don't know yet, I was trying to get ideas from you." I told him, pushing his shoulder slightly. Today was going to be a mission it was clear already.
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Okay you guys I really can't say sorry enough! Updates are sucky lately and inspiration from my side has been lacking.. I haven't had the time to sit and update and I apologise! This chapter is dedicated to snowdancer22, storyluver1143, XxBoy_ObsessedxX and Happy Sunshine [thank you for figuring out what was wrong with my story! You rock!] Enjoy!..x