So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 4

Lexi's pov...

Hmmm that is the question what do I want to do?
Hairdresser? Writer? Beauty? Chef? Lawyer? A teacher maybe?
"I think I want to go to college and be a mechanic" I heard Jake say breaking me out of my reverie.
"That's my boy!" Simon yelled jumping up and hugging Jake.
Every eye once again fell on me. Options still ran through my mind, which one would be the one I really wanted to do?
"What about you Lexi?" Simon asked.
"I... I think part of me want's to try my hand at writing. I'll find a job and everything, I just can't see myself doing anything else at the moment."
"That's fine sweetie, whatever you want to do is fine." Cathy replied a smile spread across her face.
"Well, maybe we should let you two rest I guess, we can sort of the other details tomorrow."
Both Cathy and Simon left the room, I swear they couldn't have moved faster if they had tried!
"So..." Jake let out in a sigh.
"So? What exactly do we do now?"
A small smile fell onto my lips as I faced him, expecting him to have a wicked smile on his own face, a glint in his eyes. Do you know what? He actually wasn't facing me, there was no wicked smile and while I think of it no glint in his eyes.
"Let's go to sleep then, I guess."
Standing up I tried by best to ignore the tension in the room. It wasn't long before we we're both upstairs, my ipod still playing in the background.
"You really did put everything away?" Jake said in amasement, as he looked around the room.
"Well, yeah..."
I made my way to the wardrobe taking out a long t-shirt and grabbing a towel before heading out to the bathroom.

Heading back into the bedroom towel drying my hair a little more, I noticed Jake under the covers, propped up against the headboard.
"Look I'm sorry for earlier." He blurted out as I chucked the towel into the laundry hamper in our room.
"It's forgotten it's fine."
"No it is not FINE! I know you! You're going to eat me alive!"
"Haha! Eat you alive?! How the hell did you work that out!"
"You will do something when I least expect it! Or you'll say you've left it and then bring it up when we're arguing!"
"You really think I would do that?"

Jake's pov...

There Lexi stood, hands on hips an angry look plastered on her face.
"You actually do think I would do that don't you!"
"Yes! Yes I do! All girls are the same Lexi they all hold grudges against their men no matter how much they say they have forgotten it!"
Oh crap.
"You know this from experience huh?!"
Opening my mouth, nothing came out. Great.
"You know Jake not everyone is the same! Luckily there are NICE girls out there, you know what they actually don't hold grudges!" She closed her eyes taking in one deep breath. "You know what, I'm going downstairs for a while. Seeing as I hold grudges I'm sure you will have no trouble sleeping without me tonight." Her eyes opened again, turning to the door she proceded to leave the bedroom.
"How can things turn so crappy after a day at home." I mumbled to myself pushing the covers off of me.

"So what do you want to do today Lex?" I asked plonking myself on the bed next to her facing the balcony.
"I want... I want to spend the day at the beach, you know find somewhere secluded where we can just lay and talk."
"We can do that here..."
"I know, but being here... it's different. We have no-one to tell us what to do. We are actually free, to a point anyway."
She turned to face me, pure innocence. A smile that couldn't be stopped spread across my face, taking her hand I began to drag her out of the hotel room.
"Wait! We need towels and stuff!" She screached, pulling back on my hand before the door had fully closed.

Not 15minuets later we had secured a place at a beach that was near enough empty. Why it was empty was another question.
"Do you think we will get along this well when we get home? Or do you think now we're married we can argue and can't get rid of the other willingly now?" Lexi blurted out.
"I think we will be okay, it's going to be different. At least here we have no-one to boss us around, sure we will have arguements. Who doesn't Lexi? As long as you know I love you that's all that matters to me." Taking her face in my hands I looked into her eyes. "As long as you remember that we will be fine. No matter what I say I love you, got it?"
"Mmhmmm... I got it. I love you too."
*Flashback end*
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Enjoy! This chapter is dedicated to.. Nessie101 and Vera-Heartbroken .. Thank you for your comments!..x