So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 5

Lexi's pov...

'No matter what I say I love you, got it?'

Those we're the few words flowing through my head for the past two hours. Over and over again like a cd on repeat, nothing could get those few words out of my mind. Here I sat, book in hand at the little 'library' as I call it, staring down at the page but I just couldn't lose myself. Everytime I tried, it failed.
*Knock knock*
My head snapped towards the door as it reeped open. Holding my breath I waited for the door to open fully.
"Hey princess, you okay?"
A sigh left my mouth as I let out my breath, looking at my dad as he shut the door and sat down next to me.
"Honestly? No."
My dad was opening his mouth to reply when I cut him off.
"We ended up having an arguement, we've been home ONE day and we're arguing already! He obviously needed to calm down, so did I at the time and you know that... the arguement was pathetic."
You know what? All my dad did was laugh... that's right he actually laughed at me.
"Why are you laughing? It's not funny dad!"
"No sweetie I'm not laughing AT you... it's just I remember when your mother and myself we used to have arguments. Sweetie everyone argues, nothing can change that. You have just got to think is it worth fighting over?"
"It was." I muttered, crossing my arms across my chest.
Another giggle escaped his lips as he stood up offering me a hand. Accepting he pulled me up and straight into a hug.
"Go find your husband, maybe he's realised what he's done wrong."
Grumbling I made my way out of the room and began to walk back to the bedroom.

Who would have thought it would have been hard to open that one door?
The door that was seperating us both, although he didn't know it.
Come on Lexi you can do it, just turn the handle.
Placing my hand onto the handle, I just stood there, not moving.
Okay, on the count of 3. 1... 2... 3!
You know what happened? Nothing absolutly nothing.
Sitting down, I leaned against the wall just beside the bedroom door. For some reason I couldn't go inside the room, one thing that hurt me the most, what if Jake was asleep? Does that mean he can sleep without me now? How could I apologise?
"I missed you tonight." I heard Jake mutter.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"I... missed you tonight, I couldn't sleep it was weird." I looked up to see Jake's back facing me.
"Join the club..."
"Let's go to bed." Jake smirked at me grabbing my drink and pulling my free hand with his own. Managing to flick the light switch off as he pulled me out of the room we quietly made our way into my room. Placing the drink onto the bedside cabinet, Jake pulled me into his arms and placed his chin on my head.
"Is your head okay?" He asked I could sense the smile on his lips.
"What?" I was confused as hell.
"Your head when you hit it on my door?" He replied shaking with laughter.
"Hmmph... I'm fine. Don't get too cocky I could always throw you out of my room."
"You wouldn't."
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Because both of us would be sleep deprived without the other." Jake replied matter-of-factly.
"Great, my nights of ever being able to sleep alone are ruined." I muttered relaxing in his hold. Suddenly he moved and picked me up placing me in bed before climbing in the otherside. Once again wrapping his arms around me I felt at peace.
*End flashback*

Sighing I let my head fall into the wall, not two seconds later the bedroom door was open.
"Lex?" Jake asked surprised. "What are you doing out here?"
"Everytime I tried to go inside I chickened out." I admitted sheepishly, not daring to look up at him.
Feeling him crouch down beside me, he took my hands in his own and waited.
He waited for me to make the first move, tears started to form in my eyes, rapidly blinking I tried to make them go.
"I didn't want to wake you if you we're asleep, then I thought about how we normally can't be without the other. I didn't want to see you sleeping, I'm really sorry about earlier." The tears flowed down my face, unwilling to be stopped.
"Baby, you don't have anything to be sorry for, it's MY fault. I speakbefore thinking about what I say, I shouldn't have even let you leave the room when you did. I was stupid and I'm sorry."
Pulling me up with him, he carried me into the bedroom closing the door behind with his foot. We settled into the bed, both of us quiet. Neither of us had to say we forgive the other we already knew.
"As for the sleeping without you part, I wish I could. God know's what will happen if you work nights, we would both be screwed." Jake added laughing lightly.
Snuggling into him more, we both drifted off to sleep, probably thinking the same thing this was the first night home.
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Enjoy! Thank you for the comments! This chapter is dedicated to...
Nessie101, Vera-Heartbroken, MoonlitTearsOfLove and last but not least Waiting_Watching.