So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 7

Lexi's pov...

The birds and the bee's. That is one conversation that you don't really want to have. Especially with your new in-laws. Right now Jake and myself we're driving into town, why you ask? Jobs.
"So where are we going to try?" Jake asked breaking the awkward silence that had filled the car since we left the house.
"I might try a coffee shop or something, where are you going to try?"
"I'm going to look at garages, see if they do apprentice's..." He trailed off, letting the awkwardness fill the car once again.
"Look, I can't handle awkwardness okay! Can we just forget what your mum and dad said and just go back to normal?!" I shouted.
"Normal? What is normal Lexi? Please tell me because I would love to know."
"Normal is not worrying about this every parent has 'the' talk with their kids! They obviously thought we we're never going to get on. I mean think about it Jake they didn't really have it all planned did they!"
"So you really want to forget it?" He asked quietly.
"Yes, I do actually. As long as we go back with our part of the deal then what's the problem."
He chuckled obviously remembering our 'promise'.
"Okay kids, so have you remembered everything so far?" Simon asked.
To tell you the truth he was getting into this talk too much.
"Yes, we both have." Jake answered.
"So I take it you're both going out today?" Cathy concluded.
"Yeah, we're going to look for jobs."
"Well, maybe it would be a good idea if you both got..." Cathy trailed off looking at us expectantly.
"Got..." Jake copied, hoping she would finish.
"Got... you know... this is not the conversation I would want with my son."
"Oh! Oh I got it..."
"What about you Lexi, you've been awfully quiet during this discussion." Simon butted in.
"This is
not how I pictured the birds and the bee's a second time."
"But do you know what you have to..."
"Yes! Yes! I've got it!" I interrupted not wanting to hear it all again.
"So you both know what you have to do now?" Cathy asked quietly.
"You know how to put them on?" Simon asked Jake.
"Whoa! Yeah I promise I do!"
"You both have got a goal today, we need you to buy what we have spoken about today, this way we know we can trust you."
*Flashback end*

"I'll let you buy what you need, I'm going to go to the doctors and talk to them."
"Aww man but that's no fun!" Jake whined, pouting at the end for effect.
"Come on, let's go get us some jobs!"
Stepping out of the car, walking towards the shopping centre, Jake caught up with me slipping his hand into my own.

3hours later, here we we're still in a garage. Yeah that's right, we've been here since we arrived. I was dragged in here and you know what Jake's actually got somewhere he could work and go to college. The only thing that sucks? I have no interest what-so-ever in cars.
"Jake!" I called, hoping to grab his attention away from the car he was currently looking at with his new boss.
"JAKE!" I screamed.
A smug smile crept onto my face as Jake hit his head on the car bonnet. A glare was sent my way before he began to walk over to me.
"You made me hit my head! This better be good!" He grumbled.
"I'm bored and I need to find a job, so if you're not finished I'm going by myself."
"Would you mind going on your own?"
My jaw dropped.
"How long are you going to be?" I asked.
"I duno, they want to show me the ropes today so I can start as soon as possible."
"Oh, okay. That's fine, I'll just go hunt then. Ring me when you're done okay?"
"Okay, love you."
"Love you too." I mumbled into his lips before they crashed into my own.
Wolf whistles sounded from the garage, I broke the kiss, looking into Jake's eyes.
"That will take some getting used to." I mumbled as Jake walked away from me. Turning around I made my way back into the town centre.
First stop, Costa.
Grabbing a large mocha, I asked the cashier if they we're any vacancies going.
"Well, I think there might be, just give me your CV and I'll hand it to my boss when she get's back." She replied while handing me my drink, passing my CV over I thanked her and walked out of the shop.
Three shops later and I was getting no where fast, sure they we're all taking my CV but there is still no guarantee.

2hours later I found myself sitting in Costa, looking out of the window.
'Wait, I'm wrong, Should have done better than this...'
My phone began to ring, picking it up hoping to hear Jake's voice on the end of the phone.
"Hi, is this Alexandra Peterson?"
"Oh great, I'm ringing about your CV, I'm Hayley from BooksToBrains. You came in today to hand me your CV."
"Oh right..."
"Well my boss asked me to ring you. We would like you to come in for an interview how does tomorrow at 12pm sound?"
"Honestly that sounds amazing! Thank you so much!"
"We will see you tomorrow then, bye Alex."

A coffee was placed infront of me, looking up I saw the cashier from earlier.
"Thank you." I said handing her the money. My phone buzzed on the table.
'Where are you? Xx'
'Costa (: You finished? Xxx'

Nothing no reply.
Hands covered my eyes as a voice whispered in my ear.
"Guess who..."
"You are such a loser Jake." I replied pushing his hands away from my face, watching as he sat opposite me.
"But I'm your loser. Want another coffee?"
"Why not..."
Watching as he walked up to the cashier, clothes covered in a little grease, he was right. He is my loser.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay (: Incase some of you don't know what an apprentice is it's basically someone who works full time and the work place send them to college, they also pay for it. This chapter's dedications go to MoonlitTearsOfLove and Nessie101 .. Thank you both for commenting! My two dedicated readers (: Thank yoou!..x