So My Life Begins Now, Thanks A Lot, Mom

So... My Life Now Begins... Thanks Alot Mum... 8

Lexi's pov...

Home. Do we really want to go in and face everyone? The truth? No.
We we're both standing outside the front door, hands linked together, neither of us making the first move to go inside.
"Can't we just go somewhere for a while?" I whispered.
"I wish."
"Lexi!" A voice called, looking back down the driveway I saw Sue and Jen walking up to us both.
"Hey guys, how are you both?"
"Pregnant." Sue grumbled as she stopped.
"I'm good, but we heard you had a chat about the birds and the bee's today." Jen said smirking at us both. "Is that what you went out for? Huh?" She added nudging my arm gently.
I shook my head, the front door flew open revealing Cathy.
"Hello kids, what are you doing outside?"
"Talking." Jake replied, not movinga muscle.
"Okay, wellwe are going out to dinner tonight. It's a formal event so please dress accordingly."
We both nodded and she sighed satisfied.
"We still need our talk you know." Jen reminded me as she walked inside pulling Sue along.
"Yeah I know." I grumbled, I really do not want the birds and the bee's yet again. Especially not from my friend's.
"No time like the present come on girlie spill the gossip!" Sue yelled excitedly dragging me slightly away from Jake. Unfortunatly our hand's still locked together he was dragged along with me.
"Don't you think it's a bit degrading to talk about something that's personal to Lexi and me?" Jake asked.
They stopped momentarily, both looking at each other before facing Jake.
We had entered their bedroom before they finally released me.
"Beside's Jake, it's not as though you won't brag to your friends. All boy's do. It's how they keep their 'rep'." Sue added sitting down.
"Do not!" He argued sitting down on Jen's bed opposite Sue. "If we did then I would be the freaking president!"
Everyone stopped. Sue's mouth was hanging open, as was my own.
"Pardon?" Jen snapped.
"Oh no." He muttered looking at us all in turn.
"Explain please!" Sue yelled as she regained composture.
"I've... I've just had quite a few girlfriends is all."
"How many is a few?" Jen butted in.
I huffed sitting on the bed next to Jake, here come the protective best friends. Shame it's a little too late for them to be doing it.
I waited and waited for them to stop asking numerous questions to Jake, not giving him enough time to give the answers.
"Okay! That's enough!" I yelled frustration filling my tone.
They both looked at me shocked.
"I don't care, who Jake's been with or how many girlfriend's he's had! I love you both but please can you just stop with all the questions! I don't want to know these things!"
"We're doing it to help you Lexi." Jen muttered moving from Sue's bed to sit next to me.
"I don't need help, neither of you have been married. What help could you possibly give me?!" I yelled, tears beginning to fill my eyes. "Both of you have never been in the same situation as Jake and myself have been. You try being forced into wedding dresses and being told when your wedding is going to be! Then you can both tell me what help you have managed to gain."
"We're trying to understand, really we are but we can only imagine what you're going through right now." Sue said shuffling over to the bed sitting in the small gap that was between Jake and myself.
"Just let me live my life, let me make mistakes. Look at everything I've been through so far this year. You think it could really get any worse?!"
None of them answered, silence filled the room. Moving out of their grasp, I made my way to the bedroom door.
"I'll speak to you guys later, I'm going to... take a walk."
Outside I sat by the tree where not long ago, I was contemplating my vows. Tear's fell down my cheeks, not bothering to wipe them away I rested my head on my knees.
I heard footstep's approach me, they sat down beside me pulling me into their grasp, their head resting on my own.
This is what matters. Us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjoy! (: Dedicated to MoonlitTearsOfLove and Nessie101 (: Thank you for the comments! You rock!..x