Sinners and Saints

Always Wanting What I Can't Have

I followed her upstairs and into her room. She shut the door, sat down on her bed and looked at me. I sighed and took my place sitting on the floor, where I deserved to be. "What did you wanna tell me Ash?" She asked looking down at me. I looked back for a long moment, wondering how to put this. "What?" She asked growing impatient. "IkissedLexyandI'msorryItwasn'tforreal" I said in one long breath. She looked at me like I had sprouted horns. I sigh again. "I kissed Lexy, and I'm sorry." "Y-you did what?" She looked at me, her eyes filled with confusion and hurt. "Do you love her Ash?" Her voice whisper quiet. "What?! No!" "Then why..." She looked at me anger, adding to her hurt. "I did t because she said she had never kissed a girl, and I joked that she could kiss me and she did. It didnt mean anything Nik! I swear." I said, pleading with her to understand. She looked away from me. "Please Nikki, I love you and only you." She looked up at me again. "Only me Ash?" "Only you..." She then smiled at me, got off the bed, kneeled down into front of my and hugged me fiercely. I hugged back never intending to let her go. She started to laugh then, and I laughed too. We laughed till our sides aches and our eyes streamed with tears. We finally stopped, she laying next to me still giggling, and me with my arms around her, trying to not laugh anymore. "I love you Nikki." I whisper quietly into her ear. She giggles. "I love you to Ashi" I looked at her. "So you aren't mad?" She looked as if she might start to laugh again. "No Ash, I trust you. Just as long as it wasn't for real" "It wasn't!" I insisted. "Yeah hun, I know." I nod. "God, I want you right now Nik. I want you and I'm going to have you, because I don't like not getting what I want." I breath into her ear. Her eyes widen and she giggles. "Who says you can't have me?"
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Ohhhh wonder what will happen next.
Hmmmm... anyones guess...
Sorry it was bad guys.