Sinners and Saints

Chinese and Pi

"Hey" She sighed, slumping into a chair next to me and flicking her multi-colored hair over her shoulder. I rolled my eyes at her drama, but I was used to it after 12 years of putting up with it. "Who are we mad at this time Lex" I asked, doodling on my binder. "Evan." She spat out the name like it left a nasty taste in her mouth. I stopped my doodling and turned to face my best friend in the world, the one who the only thing I loved more then her was Nikki. "What did he do now?" "He stole my bunny eraser! Fucking dick!" I burst out laughing, practically rolling on the floor We had gotten the erasers at the cool Chinese store at the mall, they were only 50 cents. My math teacher gave me a nasty look. Lexy glared at me, like she did when we were 7 and I took the lime popsicle. "I'm s-sorry." I gasped, trying to breath. She still glared but the look softened a bit. I knew how much she hated being mad at me. It was a mutual feeling. "You don't seem very sorry Ash" She said, whining. I sighed and tossed her my own bunny eraser. She squealed and hugged me tightly, just as Ms.Long ,our teacher, told us to separate. So I sat there and wasted 45 minutes of my life, listening to her lecture about pi.

45 minutes later the bell rang for lunch. Lexy practically tackled me in the hallway after math. "Are we meeting up with Nikki?" She asked, looking closely at me. She already knew the answer, me and Nikki don't hang out with each other during school very much. Nikki has her own group of friends, and it's safe to say they aren't huge fans of me and Lex. We usually sat with the group of kids most kids can't stand for various reasons such as they're junkies, alchies, gays, cutters, or just generally freaks like me and Lex. Very exclusive, very hated. Personally, I just think they're jealous of my hair, but thats just me. We're whats left after you take your jocks, preps, populars, emos and geeks, you know how high school labels work. If you ask me for my opinion it's all a bunch of shit, but no one does. I mean I'm no genius, but Lex man, she's brilliant, but not good enough for the geeks. If you ask my opinion, it's all a bunch of shit, but no one ever does. Anyways, back to the present and out of my rant. "How 'bout we bounce and hit Chino's?' Chino's was the local Chinese take-out. She nodded and we headed out the door, easy as pi.
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