Sinners and Saints

Truth and Dare

We threw our backpacks down on the floor in the kitchen and ran up stairs to my room. "Where's Nikki at?" Lexy asked me. "Probably at volley ball." I answered kicking my door closed. Lexy looked around my room nervously. I don't know why, considering she was around so much she practically lived here. I shrugged and proceeded to look under my bed for my other shoe without much luck. Crap, I really liked those shoes. "Ash?" She asked me in a soft voice. I grunted in her general direction and she took that as a sign to continue. "Have you ever kissed a girl?" I looked at her like she was crazy. "Right, stupid question then." She looked at the floor. I laughed, realizing what she was saying. "You've never kissed a girl Lex?" She shook her head no slowly. "Well then" I said "we have to find some one for you to kiss." She looked at me with wide eyes and I smiled smugly. "Ash, I swear to God I will murder you painfully and slowly with whips and chains, and blow torches." She added as an after thought. "Calm down Lex. We'll find you some one who you know and won't mind." She looked at me skeptically. "Uh huh." I rolled my eyes at her dramatics. I thought for a second then had an idea. "How about you kiss me?" I asked. Her eyes widened to the size of saucers. "But Nikki..." She said. "What she doesn't know won't kill her. Besides honestly, I don't think she would care." Lexy nodded and looked at me shyly. I laughed and pulled her toward me, crushing my lips to hers. She tasted like the blueberries she had just eaten and vanilla, the flavor of her preferred lip gloss. My god... Her lips parted slightly under mine just as I pushed her away. She stared at me with a dazed look in her eyes. I had never questioned my love for Nikki until now, until Lexy decided to tell me this and I decided to kiss her, even though it was just a joke. Lexy took a step towards me and I took a step back. "Ash..." She said, he voice whisper quite. I shook my head "We can't lex...I can't." and with that I ran out of my room, out of the door and down the street.
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It's short.
But to the point.