Sinners and Saints


Once Maddy had turned the volume up till it reached its maximum, she started dancing and grinning. 'Why the big grin?' I asked her. She turned around and yelled something at me. I only understood the words "Ash" and "not" I think she meant that she was happy she isn`t here. She hates Ash, and I knew Ash hated her too. I wonder how she`s doing, I missed her and I`m only a couple of feet away.

After a few hours, when Maddy went to the bathroom I ran to her window and opened the curtains. The lights in our house were still on, so I assume they`re still up. While sighing I knocked on the bathroom door. 'Maddy, I think I`m going home anyway.' I heard her flushing the toilet and opening the door. 'Oh, why`s that?' I shrugged and thought of a reason. 'I don`t feel so well.' Maddy frowned. 'Is that because you got detention and your parents got mad?' My parents weren`t mad, `cause they don`t care.

I wandered back to our house and rang the bell. 'Do you have any idea how-' Ash said opening the door. 'Weren`t you sleeping over at Mrs. Bitch, I mean Maddy?' I shook my head. 'No.. I missed you.' She looked at me like she saw water burning. 'Is that okay with you?' I told her in a bitchy way. 'No.. no.. Uh, I`ve got to tell you the truth.' My eyes widened as I walked in.
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