New life, new pack

Chapter 11 - me too

Jake and I were standing in front of a huge white-glass house. It was BEAUTIFUL. It was bigger then mine, but I didn't like the fact that it reeked of vampires.
We didn't even make it to the door when it burst open and a man, around 17 or 18 came through the door. His face was flawless and perfect, but he was too pale. He was a vampire.
His face looked tortured, he was worried about something for too long.

'What are you doing here mutt? Who is she?' he asked a bit pissed.

'Um, hi, I'm Shadow Uley, Sam's baby sister, I came to see Bella.' I said in a timid voice. I really wanted to see her and tell her I support her and if she needs something that I'm here.

The man's face changed slightly, but not in a good way.

'Leave, now!'

'Why?! What did I do?' I started to walk towards him, but Jake grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him.

'Edward, she just wants to meet her, she means no harm.' Jake said, calmer than me.

'She wants to support her! I want that thing out of her! It is killing her!' he nearly yelled,

Now I understand, he wanted Bella to live, he loves her and he is torturing himself about doing this to her. He thinks it's his fault.

Edward nodded and fell to his knees, if he could cry, he would right now.

I ran up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

'Maybe we can help, and one more friend doesn't hurt, right?'

'Go ahead, I want to talk to Jacob for a second.' he replied and I went into the big house.

In the middle was a bed with a girl on it that was covered in wires and had a heart-monitor by her bed. She was throwing up at the moment.
A blond man spotted me and turned to me.

'May I ask who are you and what are you doing in my house?' he asked in a serious and annoyed tone.

'Hi, I'm Shadow and I came to see Bella, I'm Jacobs imprintee.'

The mans face softened and he waved for me to come over. But a blond woman towered over the bed and the girl.

'Stay away mutt-face!' she yelled.

'Hey! Did I tell you something insulting?!' I yelled back.

'Don't pay attention to Rose, she is a bit overprotective.' a small voice replied and I turned to look at the girl on the bed.
Even though she was pale and worn out, she was beautiful in a way.

I smiled at her and stuck out my hand. She took it with her week little hand and pulled away quickly, probably shocked by the temperature of my skin.

'I'm Shadow, Jakes imprintee and Sam's sister. I came to meet you and tell you that I will do anything in my power to protect you and your baby. I am also a shape-shifter or werewolf. ' I said with a firm voice and firm stance.

The blond girl, Rose, relaxed a little and took Bella's hand.

In that moment Bella bent over and puked again.

'Is that normal?' I asked a bit concerned.

'She's been like this since she pregnant. For a few weeks the baby grew a lot and whatever she eats, she throws up.' Rose said saddened.

'Well the baby is half-vampire, have you tried blood?'

Roses face lit-up. She smiled at the blond man and he nodded. They both disappeared in a flash.

I was left alone with Bella and she smiled weakly at me.
Jake and Edward entered the room and looked at us.
Edward was a bit relieved and Jake was smiling at me and Bella.

'I'm here for you too Bells' Jake said.

I felt a bit of jealousy, but Edward just smiled at me.
I was a bit confused by that.

'I can read minds.' he said with a smile.
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