New life, new pack

chapter 13 - yes, you can

Sam glared at me with fury. He was started to shake like a feather in the wind.

'Shay baby?' a groggy voice echoed down the hall. Jake was up.
'Baby, what the...?' he saw Sam and his eyes widened. He immediately stood in front of me, hiding me from Sam with his huge composoure.

'Sam, get out. I don't want to fight you, but I'll do anything for Shay.' Jake said calm. He was trying to avoid a fight.

'Jacob get out of my way. That's a order.' Sam said in the annoying alpha male voice.

'No.' Jake replied and stood his ground.

I just looked at Sam with teary eyes, but I didn't allow them to fall. It was really heart-breaking to see my brother wanting to attack me and Jake, the man I love, standing in front of me ready to fight him, his alpha male, for me.

I didn't want this.

'Stop! Both of you! Jake, this is my fight. And Sammy, I won't go down on my word. You are my brother and I love you, but I can not back you up on this one because you're wrong.' I said, the tears now running down my cheeks as I was standing between Jake and Sammy.

'And one more thing Sammy, I'm out of the pack.' I said and turned away. I never felt this kind of strength in me. I hung my head low, but in a second lifted it and looked Sam straight in the eye.
'Now, please, leave my house.' I said, well, half-yelled.

Sam turned on his heal and left, smashing the door behind him.

I on the other hand, fell on the floor. I stopped crying, I had no more tears, so I just sat there.
Jake sat beside me, stroking my long hair.

'Now what?' he asked.

'I am a female, so you will be the alpha, we will have our own pack.' I replied, telling him my little plan.

'No! I can't do that! There can't be two packs.' he told me.

'Jake, do you want Sam to command us and tell us to kill Bella?' I asked him, looking at him with sorrowful eyes, so he couldn't say no.

He sighed deeply and took my hand pulling me up with him.

'Fine, but we should go tell Edward about Sam's plans before he makes a move.'

We rushed out of the house and shifted. We ran to the Cullen's house as fast as we could.