New life, new pack

Chapter 2 - Pain, Fear and scared shitless...


I was in my wolf form, patroling, as usual.. I had Embry and Paul with me, just to keep it safe.. You never know it with leeches.. We ran around for half an hour, just to make sure and headed to my place to eat.. I couldn't wait to see Emily, my Emily..

'Umm Sam, can you stop that? It's really freaking me out, I haven't impinted yet, you know..' Embry thought.

'Yeah, I know, you will someday.' I replied.

'Guys, I think I hear something..' Paul thought.

I strained my ears a bit. And then panicked. It was Emily.


I ran full speed and morphed just a few feet away from the house while I was still in the forest. I never heard her this panicked and upset, what could have happened? We didn't have any attacks lately, I was patroling for God's sake!
I ran to her and hugged her tight, she pushed me away. This confused me a lot, she never did that in all these years we've been together. Her eyes were full of worry, her face sweaty, she was probably calling us for 10-15 minutes before we arrived.

'Honey, what's wrong? What happened? Did I do something wrong?'
'Now is not the time for huggs and kisses Sam! Shadows friend Nick called and told me that Shadow has a very high fever, that she blacked out, but that she is still screaming in pain and calling for you!'
'Oh God, it's happening, I never thought that she will change, that's impossible, sha can't..'
'Obviously she can, you need to go to Seatle right now and get her here before that Nick guy finds out.'
'You're right.'

Buy the time she finished explaining everything to me, Embry and Paul came out of the forest in human form and heard part of it.

'Paul, take my car and head for Seatle as fast as you can, Emily will give you the adress where Shadow lives, I will wait for you there.' I comanded to Paul.
'Ok, but do you mind explaining who is Shadow?' he asked, a bit scared, but too curious.

For a year or two, I managed to hide my thoughts of Shadow from the pack, she was my half-sister, my baby sister and my dearest family. She never visited La Push. I was afraid for her because I didn't want the guys losing their temper around her.

'She is my half-sister. That's all you need to know for now. Embry, you go get Quill and meet me at Billy Blacks house in 10 minutes.'
'Sure thing Sam, but what about Jared?' Embry asked.
'I can't get you all in my car! GO! NOW!'

Embry left in the speed of lightning.
I had to see Billy Black to ask him what to do. She was my sister. And I also needed Leah, she was the only girl and she knows how she felt when she changed so I had to howl for her on the way to Billy.

'Emily, I need to go, I have to get Shadow here and tell Billy and get Leah so she can help.'
'Ok. just go already! I'll get the guest room ready.'

And I was off.

Shadow's POV

Oh My Fucking God!!!!

This pain was killing me! What the fuck i happening? I give up! I wanna die and get my ashes thrown away in some dump. I just don't care! I want it to stop.
Plus I feel cold, than hot, than cold. Oh God this is exhausting. Fucking werewolf blood!
and I am the worst! My mother was a descendant of a Russian werewolf family. This is so not good.
I want Sammy! He can make it all go away. I don't even want to open my eyes! I'm fucking scared!


She started screaming for Sam again. I was scared shitless. This is so not good. What the hell is happening to Shay?
She is tossing and turning and sweating like hell.
When I called Sam's house, his fiance answered and told me he will be here in less than an hour.
So where the fucking hell is he?!
I don't know what else to do except to put wet and cold towels on her forehead.
Please hurry Sam.
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Ok, so this is my first story. I would really appreciate comments, subscriptions and messages...
Thanks guys... ^^