New life, new pack

Chapter 3 - White, pure ***ing white...

Shadow's POV

I woke up because of the pain.. Nick was worried sick of course, he always is when it comes to me. He loves me like a sister.

'How do you feel Shay?' he asked, concern showing in his eyes, voice.. I mean it was written all over his face!
'I feel like freakin' crap.'
'You look like it.' he smiled sheepishly.
'Geez, thanks a lot Nick, that's what I want to hear right now. Didi you call Sammy?'

And there was a knock on the door. Sam. who else?
Nick got up and opened the door and Sam didn't even look at him, he pushed the door and started looking around in a panicked way. But when he saw me looking at him like he was crazy, he calmed down.

'You look like hell, so I suppose you feel like it.' he said through a smile, that faded when he heard me growl in responce.

'I guess we should get you to La Push.'
'WE? Who's we?'
'Nearly all of us came, except Jared, Seth and Jacob. Jared stayed with Kim, Seth is, I suppose, helping Emily getting you a ok room. And Jacob ran away about three months ago, we haven't heard from him since.'

'He is in love with the soon-to-be-leech?' I asked, not in a mean way, I didn't even know the girl, but hey, my brother is their sworn enemy.

'Yeah, he is trying to get over her.' Sam sounded sad, well his right-hand man ran off.

'Wait, did you just say I was going to La Push? When will I come back?'

'You won't.' he said a bit angry I questioned that.

'WHAT?!?!' I was pissed. My mood swings are getting worse than PMSing.

'You can't go back once you shift, you have to stay with the pack.'

'But, but, what about my friends, collage, and Nick?! I don't want to leave forever.'

'You can't run around in wolf form in the middle of Seattle.' now he was getting pissed, and I knew it so I didn't want to push it.

'Fine, let me pack.' I said. But when I wanted to get up from the bed I stumbled a bit and Sam caught me.

'Where's your room? I'll get the stuff.'

'Hey, I can get her stuff.' Nick said, I have even forgotten about him being there. We must looked like we were crazy when we fought, he must have been confused, poor guy.

'That would be so much better. I don't want my older brother seeing my underwear.'

'But you want HIM seeing them???' Sam acted a little overprotective of me, but Nick was my best friend.

'He knows me better than you ever will!' I yelled. I didn't want anyone questioning my relationship with Nick.

'Fine!' Sam yelled.

'Fine!' I yelled too. I was trying to calm myself, but it wasn't working. Suddenly I felt myself starting to stretch. 'SAM I'm stretching!'

Nick ran downstairs, nearly falling.

'What's going on?!'

'Kid, get out of here now! And I mean it! This is family business!' Sam yelled scared that Nick would see me in my wolf form.

'FINE! Shay, call me when you get to La Push. Ok?'

'Sure, sure.' I waved him away so he would get out as soon as possible.
And then I snapped. I started screaming, God it freaking hurt!
Sam moved away and started yelling at me again but with pure anger in his voice. But his face showed guilt.

I heard cracking and felt pain but suddenly I felt relieved.

When I opened my eyes, my living room was a mess, the coffee table was knocked over, the couch also, even torn at the ends a bit. But then I looked at where Sam was standing, It wasn't Sam, it was a pitch black wolf. He was perfectly calm. I knew it was him.
So I stood up. I was slightly shorter than him, but not too short. I couldn't see myself, but suddenly I could hear Sams thoughts.

'Do you want to be a part of mu pack?' he asked me in a serious tone.

'Yes, I do want that.' I answered, but it came as a thought.

'Then you are coming with me to La Push.'

Now I could see myself through his thoughts.

I was white, pure white fur, but my paws were black, like I had socks, and the tip of my tail was also black. My eyes stayed blue.

Then I started hearing voices...
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, Jacob will appear in the next chapter...
It will be out even tonight maybe..