New life, new pack

Chapter 4 - I'm gonna go crazy

Sam's POV

'Hey, how much longer do we have to wait out here so you would come out with her?!' Paul was getting impatient. But he was not the one I was thinking about right now, because I saw Shadow panicking, she was not used to hearing voices.

'Sam, who was that?' she sounded scared.

'That was Paul, he came with me to get you to La Push. There are others here too, but they are all outside.' I tried to explan, but she was too confused.

'Um, okay.. How do I change back?'

'Just think of thing that make you happy being human and the things that you could do as a human, things that you love doing as a human and you'll change back.' I think it was simple enough to understand what I said.

'Will I be naked?' I forgot about that..

'Um yeah, but I'll go get Leah, she's a girl, she can help you.'

'Ok, I'll just wait here.'

'Paul, get Leah in here, but in human form!' I ordered.

'Fine.' he answered

A few seconds later she came into the room staring wide-eyed at Shadow, I guess Embry, Paul, Quill and the others didn't tell her why she was here.

'Sam, I think you should leave.' Leah said, suprisengly not in a a bitchy tone.
And I did what she asked, I jumped out through a back window that was open and sprinted through the neighborhood to find the rest of the pack.

Shadow's POV

I stared at the girl in front of me. She was beautiful, she was tanned like most of the natives, she had beautiful facial features, she was toned, but sill feminine. And she had short cut hair, boyish but still cute..

'So, you must be Sam's baby sister, I'm Leah, the only female member of the pack 'till now, I guess and also Sam's ex-girlfriend 'cause he imprinted on my cousin.' she said it with some kind of sadness in her voice, but didn't want to show it on her face.
I wanted to say nice to meet you, but it would probably come out as a bark so I just nodded my head.

'Could you please turn back, I guess Sam told you how to do that.' I nodded again, and she stood there waiting.

I concentrated, and felt myself shrinking.. Then I felt my hair fall down on my back, so I looked at my paws.. um, hands and smiled a bit, I did it.

'Wow, that was fast. It took me a half an hour to change back, I was too pissed.' she said a bit astonished.

'Um, thanks, I guess..?' I really didn't know what to say.

'We should get you some clothes, pack your stuff and leave. The guys are waiting, and they are not too patient.'

'Okay, lets go up stairs to my room.' I said and got up, but realised I was but naked so I covered myself with a blanket that was on the, now, destroyed couch.
I walked silently up to my room, Leah following me behind.

'I'm thinking of selling this house now, and maybe buying one in La Push, or making one there, near the beach.' I said after a while, now I was dressed in some sweats and a tank top.

'That wouldn't make Sam happy.'

'Why do you say that?' I packed most of my clothes, leaving all the dresses behind, I was not fond of them.

'I think he wants you to live with him and Emily.'

'Well I don't, so I'll just phone Nick so he can make some arraignment that I can make a house there.' I was too stubborn for arguing with.

'Oh, do what you want, but he won't like it, I can tell you that much.'

'He can think whatever he wants, I'm doing it.'


I was running after a rabbit!! A small fur-ball that I will feed off on!! This is crazy, I mean, I like being a wolf, but I can't eat this any longer, I have a big craving for Emily's food.
And when I think about home, I think of her.
HOW could she be getting married to that leech!!! I just don't get it. I miss her, I miss her face, her touch, her voice.. AHHH!!! I have to stop this! It's gonna drive me insane! I've been like this for too long.

I have to go home so I can see her, before she becomes a leech too.
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