New life, new pack

Chapter 5 - this is life...

Shadow's POV

I've been living with Sam and Emily for 3 weeks now. My house is nearly finished. It was going to be a little bit in the forest, I wanted to be away from the civilazation somehow, but it was near Sam's house. However the house should be finished by tomorrow.
It was a two-storage, it had two bathrooms, because the pack will be here most of the time, and four bedrooms. The master bedroom was mine, it had a queen sized bed. The rest of the bedrooms were furnished with a big bed, because the guys were freakishly tall, and with some of the guys clothes, like sweats so they can change.
The living room and kitchen were big, also because of the guys.

The house was made big so I wouldn't be alone. I hated being alone.

I packed all my stuff in the guest house and started going down the stairs. Emily was looking at me with sad eyes. She didn't want me to leave.

'Emily, I'll be just 20 minutes from you and I will be comming here every day, don't look at me like that.'

'Oh, I know, but I can't have a girl-talk in the middle of the night anymore.'

'Don't worry, we can always have a talk in normal daylight time' I said with a smile. Emily and I got very close during these 3 weeks, we became very good friends, but there was also Leah, she was my friend too, so I didn't know wich one was my best friend.

'Hey Ems, where are the guys? They were supposed to be here for lunch.'

'Oh, you haven't seen them since last night?'

'No, I was fast asleep because of the patroling. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out. Why did something happen?'

'Well, since six in the morning they were running around like crazy, apperantly Jacob Black has come home. They are supposed to be at the Cullen's wedding right now, taking care that Jacob doesn't loose his temper.'

'I can't believe they didn't wake me up!! Why would Sam do this without me!! I'm part of the pack too!!' I just got pissed, but I masterd my temper. I didn't go off like Paul did.

'I know sweety, but he knew you were exhausted from last night, so he let you sleep.'

'If thats the case, then it's ok. I mean, I LOVE to sleep. It's my hobby' I said smiling at her.
By now, it was around 3 in the afternoon, the guys should be coming back. I was going to have lunch with them and then leave for my place.

The door burst open and a bunch of voices came from th living room. They were all shouting at the same time so I couldn't hear what they were arguing about, but I suppose it was about the leech-bride.

Sam nearly ran into the kitchen , fuming. I laughed a bit, but when he turned to me he shot me a furious glare.

'What are you laughing at?!' he nearly screamed in my face.

'We were just having a girl-talk honey, relax.' Emily coverd for me. When Sam heard her voice, he calmed down and went to kiss her scars. I always thought it was cute.

Jacob's POV

I ran into Sam's house, and the minute we all were inside, everyone started to yell at me.
I just tuned them out.
Sam ran into the kitchen. I decided not to follow him, he was fuming the most.
As soon as Sam left, everyone was silent.

Then, Quill started to laugh.

'I sure want to know what Shadow is thinking now.'

'Who?' I had no idea who who that was.

'Well she is Sam's sister and a werewolf also, she is the new addition to the pack. About three weeks ago, she turned, but she is nearly a full-blooded werewolf, so she has it easy.'

'So where is she?'

'I'm comming you freaks!!!' I heard a voice that was like chiming of bells, it was soothing, wonderfull.
Then I heard a loud bang, I turned around, and froze.

She was the most beautiflu thing I have ever seen.
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