New life, new pack

Chapter 6 - who is he again?

Shadow's POV

Emily told me to get some plates with cookies on the table in the living room, so I did as I was told.

I heard someone ask where I was, so I yelled a reply.

'I'm coming you freaks!!!' I yelled through a smile.

I walked out of the kitchen with a smile on my face. The whole pack was there, they were all talking and laughing. It was really strange, considering that they were yelling and fuming a few seconds before.

And then I sensed someone else. His scent was all over the room. His back was turned to me, so I couldn't see his face. But when Quill stared at me, the boy started turning his head, and with a glimpse of the side of his face, my knees buckled, my arms felt week, I froze and the plate fell with a loud bang.

He was gorgeous. He had tanned skin like the rest of us, but it was special. His body lean and muscular, he was a bit taller then even Sam. And then our eyes locked. His eyes were a wonderful warm chocolate brown.
I felt like we were the only two people left in the world. There was some force that was pulling us together.
I also felt a strong tug at my arm, pulling me back, and breaking our gaze.

Sam's POV

I heard a loud bang. Now what did they do?!

I walked towards the kitchen door and had to stop. Shay was staring at Jacob with such intensity that I have never seen before. And the worst problem was, he was staring right back.

I knew it right then and there. They imprinted. This was really not good. Not good at all.

I know that the werewolves that imprint have a strong sexual and emotional attachment towards the other being, but I never thought there would be something like this.

I had to stop this before it gets out of control and I have to talk to the elders about this. But I think I already know that they would be thrilled. It would mean a whole new thing to them.

It would mean stronger wolves to them.

So I went up to Shadow and tugged on her arm lightly, but she wouldn't budge. I tugged a bit stronger, still nothing.
Then I pulled with a stronger force and she just turned her head.

When she realized what happened she blushed furiously.

'Embry, Quill, come upstairs to my room! Now!' And she sprinted off.

Embry and Quill followed closely behind her.
I turned to Jacob and glared at him.

'You stay away from my sister until I talk to the elders! I don't want you around her! I don't care about the strength of imprinting, just don't go near her. Is that understood?!' acid and venom dripping off my every word. I wanted him to stay away just for a little while, just so I could get used to this.

But I knew he wouldn't.

'Yeah, sure.' he said, staring at the stairs where she was last seen as she sprinted to her room.

Shadow's POV

I was terrified. I don't know the guy, and I wanted to rape him then and there.
This was bad, really , really bad!!!

I don't even know his name! J... something, right?? Oh my God!!!

Quill and Embry showed up with large grins on their faces. Now I'm screwed.

'I say 50 bucks they are going to date by the end of the week!' Quill said with a grin.

'But it's Thursday you moron!' I replied.

'Yeah, I know.'

'And I say, they'll be dating by the end of the month.' Embry said with a re-assuring smile, but I knew he wanted to laugh his ass off.

'Oh, shut up both of you!!' I snapped. 'I say, I'll get married buy the end of the year!'

Both Quill and Embry grinned. It was the middle of the summer right now, so I had time.

'But, no falling in love?' Quill asked.

'Hey you mutt, I imprinted! How am I supposed to do that without falling for him!'

'Okay, okay, sorry, I just wanted to make it more fun.'

'Oh, shut it.' I grinned. 'Now, help me with my bags, I have to move out!!!'

'Ok, you lead the way.' Embry said. I was keeping the house a surprise for the guys.

'Sure, sure.' I started backing out of the now small room because of the large boys.

'Wait! Is he still down there?!' I nearly yelled.

'Who? You mean Jacob?' Quill asked startled a bit.

Jacob, it sounded so good.. It fitted him perfectly.

'Umm, Shay? Shay? Shadow Uley!!!' Embry yelled in my ear.

'What? What? What?!'

'You spaced out, thinking about Jake. I'll go down first.'

'No, I won't risk anything, I'll just go through the window and I'll meet you two in the back yard. ok?'

'yeah, whatever you say.' Quill waved behind.

I must get out before he sees me.

But I don't think I'll manage to pull it off....
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