New life, new pack

Chapter 7 - what is love?

Shadow's POV

I opened my window and jumped out, landing on my feet with a soft thud. I turned around and looked through the kitchen window to see my brother sulking and talking to Emily. But then he kissed her and left somewhere. Now that he was gone, I cuoldn't help myself. I just had to do it.
I slowly and without a sound went into the kitchen through the back door. Emily turned and yelped a bit, because she didn't hear me.
I just put a finger on my lips, showing her not to speak, and she smiled at me and continued looking at me, she wanted to see what was I about to do.

I bent into a crouching position. I just wanted to smell his scent and look at him, just for a second, without him seeing me. I just could not help myself.
He was perfect. I just stood there, taking in his apperence.

Jacob didn't even notice me, until Embry and Quill came form somewhere behind me. And ofcourse, had to embaress me.

'Shadow Uley! Are you spying on our pack member?!' Quill yelled from behind me, not scaring me, 'cause I heard him, but making me blush, and then turn to face him and nearly fall backwards at seeing how close he was to me.
But, naturally, with my luck, I stumble back and crash with my back against something hot and hard.

Turning around, I put my hands in front of me, not daring to open my eyes.
I feel someones chest.

My eyes shot open and I look upwards.

It was Jacob Black.

But he wasn't looking at me. He was glaring at someone, and shaking uncontroleably.
I trailed his glare and it landed on Quill, who was dubstruck.

'Don't you ever do that again to her! Is that clear?!' he yelled at him.

This pissed me off, and the blush I had, dissappeared.

'Um, excuse me, but I can take care of my self, thank you.' I said slightly annoyed.

'But, you will just let him do that to you?'

'Quill is my best friend, he meant no harm, so fuck off.'

He winced a bit, then glared. It actually turned me on a bit.

But I refused to follow my instincts, turned and took Quills hand and rushed outside.

Quill looked absolutely confused. He just stared at me.


'How can you yell at your imprintee? I could never yell at Clarie.'

'I don't know, but all I want now is to cry.'
And I did. I broke down in the middle of the forest, and Quill caught me and cradled me in his arms. I sobbed like a child.

This is riddiculous. I am crying because of a guy I met an hour ago. I have to pull myself together.

Why did this hurt so much? Is this love?

Wait a minute, what is actually love?
♠ ♠ ♠
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