Sequel: Picture to Burn

Should've Said No

Chapter 3

Harry and I walked on to the Quidditch pitch brooms in hand. Harry had his Firebolt and I had mine. My Mom got me a firebolt that day and sent it.

"Okay so your job is to take this...the quaffle...and put it through the opposing teams hoops." He explained.

"Simple enough." I said.

"But you have to watch out for Bludgers, they will come at you and try to knock you off your broom." He said.

"Okay." I stated.

"Let's Start. hop on your broom." He siad. I did. "Good now push of the ground and you should start flying." He said. I did. and I started flying.

"Great! Here," he said getting a little golden ball. "Lets try to catch the Snitch." He said. letting it go.

"Okay." I said racing towards it.

"Hey no fair!" He yelled.

"I'm gonna get it!!"

No I am!!!" He sped up towards me and started showing off. He started circling me and I was spinning before I knew it.

"Whoa!" I yelled as I slowly fell off my broom. Harry stopped dead and raced to catch me.

"Are you okay?" He said holding me in his arms. As we flew to the ground.

"Now." I said. He sat me on the bleachers and kept one arm around my shoulder.

"Are you sure your okay?" He said worried.

"Yeah, you were just showing off and I wasn't paying attention. But......" I said. I held the little golden ball between my thumb and pointer finger, smiling. He pushed me a little.

"Ow." I said frowning.

"Oh I'm sorry!" He apoligized and a smile krept on my face.

"Haha so funny." He said smiling. He helped me up and put his arm around me for 'support' until we got to the common room. Ron's eyes wide.

"Hey guys." I said sitting on the couch.

"what happened?" Hermione asked noticing the bruise on my arm.

"Harry's too strong! ahahaha no I fell off my broom." I said after becuase I saw their faces. We went down for dinner.

"Hey Freddy Georgy."I said sitting inbetween them

"Hey Tayey" They said. I laughed.

"Whatcha doin guys?" I said

"Nuttin, Why do I have the girly name?" George said

"Becuase your girly." Fred said. And I laughed harder.

"No George your not girly. I just put a y at the end of your name." I explained. The owls came and I got a note. It said

"Hey Tayey will you be my girlfriend?"

"Who??" I said looking at Fred and George because they call me Tayey.
Fred looked confused and George looked guilty.

"George Weasley? Did you send this?" I said waving it in his face.

"Maybe...depends." He said

"maybe." I said.

"Then I did send it." He said cracking a smile.

"what??" Fred asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about." I said smiling as wide as George.
I got another note.

"Tayey will you go out with me."

"Fred?" I said


"Is this you?"

"I don't know it depends." He said smiling.

Yet again I got another note.

"Taytay will you be my girlfriend?"

"Harry?" I whispered.

"Taylor will you go out with me?" Another one said.
It had O.W. at the bottom.

"Hey Georgy? Is there anyone who's anitials are O.W." I asked.

"Yeah Oliver Wood. Quidditch captain." Fred said.

"Oh boy." I said and I walked out of the Great hall to my dorm.

"Hermione I have a boy problem." I said falling onto my bed.

"Oh hey Gin." I said.

"what kinda problem?" Ginny asked.

"I just got asked to be someone's girlfriend." I said sighing.

"Who?" Hermione asked.

"You mean Them?" I said throwing the four notes at Hermione and Ginny.
They read them through.

"Whoa! Do you know who they are... Well one is Oliver Wood." She said looking at the last one.

"Two say Tayey and one says Taytay." Ginny stated.

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Are you sure?" Ginny asked.

"Harry calls Taylor Taytay. but I don't know about the others."

"The first one was from George.. The second from Fred, The third for Harry, and the fourth from Wood." I sighed.

"Fred and George!?!?!?!" Ginny yelled.

"Yeah." I said "Well what do you think?" I asked.

"Wood's cool." Ginny said.

"Well who asked first...thats fair." Hermione said.

"Okay..I'll be right back." I said running out of the room.

"George!" I yelled.

"Yes, M'lady!" He said all old-english.

"Yes. Now I have to go." I said going to find Fred.

"Ow!" I said rubbing my head getting up.

"Sorry Tayey." Fred said helping me up.

"I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend." I said.

"Okay." He said lokking Glum.

"It's okay." I said pulling his chin up. " You'll find someone better than me." I said

"Gotta Run bye Fred!" I said running to the Great Hall. Luckily Harry's still there.

"Harry can I talk to you." I said pulling him away from Ron.

"Yeah Taytay." He said.

"God you should've asked first!" I said.

"What?" He said confused.

"I'm sorry but no. I was being fair and I picked the person who asked me first." I said. sadly.

"It's okay Taytay, I will wait....." He said smiling at me.

"thankyou for understanding." I said Hugging him.

"Wood." I whispered.


"I'll be back Harry." I said running back to the common room. I wrote a note for this one because, well, I don't know who Wood is.

"Hermione, Can you give this to Wood?" I asked.

"Sure." She said cautiously.

I worte another letter.

"GinGin, can you give this to Georgy?" I said

"Okay." She said,

"No peeking!" I said
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