Sequel: The Last Fight
Status: First edit is completely done :D Second edit is in the process.

As the Sister of Harry Potter

It's bad enough my brother
Is hunted, and
My father and mother
Are dead.
There are Prophacies
And titles,
"The Boy Who Lived"
"The Chosen One"
"Undesirable No. 1"

Whether you're teaching him dueling,
Or stealing ingrediants for his
Polyjuice Potion,
Being the constant protector
And mentor
Of Harry Potter
Can be quite exausting.

Being associated
To such an influence
Can be quite irksome.
Whether Rita Skeeter is
Writing trash about you,
Or the Ministry
Persecutes you,
And calls you mad,
Either way,
I want to hex them to oblivion

But a thing can be said,
That as the sister of Harry Potter,
Jennifer LilyAnne Potter,
Will never have a dull moment.

That I can promise.

Thanks to FreckleFace! for this banner :D
Thanks for over 100 comments guys!!!!

Current banner drawn for me by Nika <3

*This story tied for first in FreckleFace!'s HP contest, summer 09 :3

*In no way, shape or form do I own the world of Harry Potter. I do however, own Jennifer, Ophilia, Sarlanda, my other OC's, and most of this plot*

Everyone should please give a huge thanks to waits., my beta. THANK YOU!!! :D

Don't steal, but do enjoy.
  1. The Beginning
    Jennifer's start at Hogwarts
  2. To The Cup!
    Present time; the REAL start of the story
  3. Quidditch Star
  4. Forest
  5. Tournament!
  6. Sixteen and Foreign!
  7. Champions
  8. Dragons and Hexes
  9. The First Task
  10. Confused
  11. Shopping Disasters
  12. The Yule Ball
  13. Christmas Dates
  14. Valentines
  15. The Second Task
  16. Godfather in Hogsmead
  17. Crouch and the Pensieve
  18. April Fools!
  19. Exams and Families
  20. The Third Task
  21. Voldemort
  22. The Parting of the Ways
  23. Dementors
  24. The Order of the Pheonix
  25. The Hearing
  26. Badges
  27. The Final Year Begins
  28. Toads and Prankcouncil
  29. Mutiny and Tryouts
  30. The High Inquisitor
  31. Hermione's Plan
  32. Dumbledore's Army
  33. My First Match (As Captain)
  34. Secrets
  35. Visions
  36. A Working Christmas
  37. A Blast From the Past
  38. Jinx Ink
  39. The Quibbler
  40. Sacked
  41. A Sneak
  42. Diana
  43. The Flight of the Twins
  44. The Chaos Ensues
  45. Back to Business
  46. N.E.W.T.'s
  47. Sirius In Peril
  48. The Department of Mysteries
  49. To The Rescue
  50. Goodbye Hogwarts... For Now