Sequel: The Last Fight
Status: First edit is completely done :D Second edit is in the process.

As the Sister of Harry Potter

Goodbye Hogwarts... For Now


I sat at the Gryffindor table the last night of term with Ophilia and Harry, eating quietly.

Seven years ago, my eleven-year-old self imagined this scene very differently.

Fred and George would have been there, cracking jokes and making me smile. My mysterious younger brother would be sad to see me go, but relieved at the same time. I would have been off into a world of peace where I could pursue whatever career I wished. Sarlanda, Ophilia and I would be off on some crazy adventure.

But, of course, the world would never be sunshine and rainbows.

Two of my best friends were MIA. My brother was just as depressed as I was, probably even more so. My final year had been just as much a hell as a heaven. I was about to walk out into the middle of possibly the biggest war the Wizarding World has ever faced. And my godfather was dead.

The second I had awoken in the Hospital Wing from my concussion, I demanded all the details from Sarlanda. Bellatrix had murdered Sirius, and he fell through that weird veil thing at the Ministry, so there wasn’t even a body to bury. Lance had kicked my arse and escaped from Sarlanda. And we finally got to know what the weapon Voldemort was after was; a prophecy made about him and Harry. “Neither can live while the other survives.” Those final words in the prophecy had burned themselves into my brain the moment Harry had told me. But all of this combined forced me to make up my mind; I needed to be stronger, and I needed to get back at Lance, all while helping Harry. Thus, along with Ophilia and some other friends, I would join the Order of the Phoenix. I had already pretty much chosen this path before, but everything that had happened at the Ministry solidified my decision.

But despite all the heartbreak and gloom, there was still one final announcement to do. So that’s why the hall went silent when Sarlanda tapped her goblet with her knife over at the Slytherin table. “Can I have your attention everyone? Thanks,” she started, getting up on the table so everyone could see her. “Well, what a year it’s been. There’s only one thing left to solve, and that’s who the bloody hell are the Marauders?” The hall murmured in agreement. “Well, tonight, we’d like to revile ourselves. I’m Miss Skulls.” She was met with applause.

“I’m Miss Phoenix,” I called out, standing on the Gryffindor table. I was met with applause and some cheers.

“I’m Miss Kumquat!” yelled Ophilia enthusiastically.

“I’m Mister Rockstar,” said Hyden quietly, standing as well, shocking probably the entire hall.

“And I’m Mister Palm Tree!” cried out Lee. He was greeted with whoops. That kind of approval made the entire year worth while. And as I stood on the table, catching hi-fives from pretty much every student, I couldn’t help but think that if Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs were here, they would have stood with us.


“You’ll be back Jen. When you come to teach,” Cedric reminded me cheerfully as I gazed out the train window to catch one last glimpse of Hogwarts before it was truly gone from my view.

“I hope so Cedric,” I sighed heavily. “But who knows, with the world we’re going into.”

The train ride back was a mix of misery and amusement. Almost every seventh year student had rain clouds over their heads, but it felt good to hex Draco Malfoy when he jumped Harry. Unusually, I spent most of my time with Hyden and Harry. We all felt like a dagger had stabbed us in the heart with the loss of Sirius, be together, we felt the smallest comfort of knowing we were all in the same boat. And before anyone knew it, we were back in London, back in the Muggle world.

King’s Cross Station. Where wonder begins and ends. Where adventures start and conclude. My own Hogwarts journey was done for now.

“Goodbye Hogwarts. One day, I swear I’ll be back,” I told the train before picking up Fiona and pushing my trunk back through the barrier between platforms nine and ten. ‘I’m off on my next great adventure.

To Be Continued…
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Thank you. All of you who've read, commented, subscribed, loved, or liked it. Without all of you, this story never would have been finished. Thank you for helping me make my first Horcrux.
My final gooey long author's note that you NEED TO READ is here in this journal post.
The sequel is linked to this story and goes by the name of The Last Fight.