Opposites Attract

Just A Couple Hours

"What am I doing here? I should be in class, not in some stranger guys car, for all I know you could be a serial killer" Lily monologued to herself until Alex coughed, snapped her from her panicked demeanor.

Alex smiled, "Do you always talk to yourself?"

"Yes. Especially when I'm doing something I shouldn't be," Lily babbled " like sitting in a charming stranger's car."
She stopped suddenly, she was babbling again, she was never this forward or talkative with a stranger.

"Well I'm glad you are, I could really use some different company."

"That's exactly what Ted Bundy says, before he knocks them out." Lily muttered.


"The serial killer I- nevermind."

Alex laughed out loud, "You're unlike any girl I've ever met. It's refreshing."

Lily blushed, "Yeah, well... you're not as scary and you look."

"What?" Alex asked

"Oh, I've seen you and your friends, walk around the school, with that crazy eye glint--"

"Crazy eye glint? Are you serious?"

"Well..." Lily trailed off, "You don't exactly have the wholesome kind stranger look to you."

"I'll have you know I make the honor roll ever year." Alex defended.

"Above 80% that's not exactly hard to get."

"I- I- " Alex sputtered and stopped, "I don't know what to say." For the first time ever with a girl, Alex was speechless.


When Lily didn't respond Alex cast a side glance at Lily, she was wringing her hands nervously and her face was flushed. He felt his heart flutter. Flutter.

What the fuck?

Since when does my hear flutter around a girl I just met? I'm a tough dude, like Lily says, my heart never flutters or beats faster or aches or...

He turned the car swiftly to the left and pulled up a small side street until the car stopped at a stored that read "Sam the Record man" Alex rushed over the Lily's side of the car while she sat dumbstruck staring at the sign. He was really making an effort for this girl, this stranger, "What are we doing here?"

"I'm going to show you my favorite place to hang out."

"I really should be heading back."

"Oh come on, Lily live a little! It will only be a couple of hours, no one will know your gone." Alex stretched out his hand for her to to take.

Lily began to shake her head until she saw something in his eyes, hope. This was something he was sharing with her, that he didn't seem to share often. It was just a couple of hours, no harm.

Lily grasped his hand.