Opposites Attract


Lily had no idea what to expect when she took Alex's hand. She barely knew this guy and yet she repeatedly put herself alone with him, without a second thought. Alex gave her a reassuring smile, his eyes were bright and excited. Whatever they were doing was exciting for them. They had no expectations to live up to, no reputation or standards to follow, or in Alex's case not follow. Right now as they looked both ways before darting across the street, they just had to be Lily and Alex.

Lily squeezed Alex's hand. And they stepped inside the record shop.


Lily gasped upon seeing the shop. It was 3 floors, and the walls were lined with cd's from all genre's and eras. There was Elvis, Glen Miller on one side and Lady Gaga and the Jonas Brothers on the other side. The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and then Madonna filled out the middle. That was just the beginning.

Her jaw dropped and Alex laughed at her shocked expression.

"Cool, right?"

Lily shook her head, "Amazing!" she exclaimed. She let got of Alex's hand to run around the store, browsing through each section.

The upstairs was just as filled, Lily walk around, picking up records and cd's.

Alex snuck up on Lily from behind, she had the eagles in one hand and the moody blues in another. He would never have her pegged for listening to that music.

Lily noticed him staring and explained, "My dad would have loved this store, it has all of his favourite bands, rarest music in here." He detected a hind of nostalgia, but didn't question it. She would bring it up if she wanted to talk about it. He felt a stab in his heart when he though about his dad. He brushed his feelings away and turned back to Lily.

"If you think this is amazing, then come check out the basement." Alex grabbed Lily's hand as he pulled her excitedly down the narrow stairs.

The basement was a lounge area, there was a wall of booths to the left of the stairs where you could play cd's, records, or tapes depending on what you wanted to listen to. There was washrooms to the right. Straight ahead there was a coffee bar resembling Starbucks, but judging by the prices written on chalkboards, it wasn't anything like it. In the centre there were low tables and overstuffed couches and chairs.

The place was really empty considering it was school time.

"Do you want anything?" Alex asked standing up. "It's on me," he added.

"Yes please, " Lily responded looking up at the board, "Can I have a tall single wet white mocha with soy milk, please"

Alex did a double take, "You drink soy in a mocha too? "

"Totally, my sister is lactose intolerant, and soy is way better than 2 percent crap."

"Dude you are so right!" Alex laughed, a girl with my drink, what are the chances Alex thought as he went to the counter.


"Okay, too hot or too cold?" Alex asked

"That's an easy one! Too cold. My turn, wet feet, or dry hands."

"Wet feet."

"I know, right! I used to hand this rash on my hands, they got so dry and it is painful!" Lily exclaimed!

Alex laughed, the afternoon with Lily was amazing, she was so easy to talk to and funny, his problems seemed so far away.

"Dude?" Lily snapped her hands in front of his face and his focused on her smiling eyes.

"Right, my turn, being alone forever, or always being in a huge group."


Alex couldn't stop himself from asking, "why?"

"I've been alone my whole life, what's forever to me?" Lily joked, but Alex sensed something underneath her words.