Opposites Attract

Now Look At Him

*beep* *beep* *bee- Alex slammed his hand down on his alarm clock. The time read 7:30 school started in half an hour but since he got his license he could milk the mornings for more sleep.

I sat up and scratched the back of his neck. A small yawn and he pulled off the covers. He pulled on some jeans and a shirt, not bothering to see if they matched. Unlike some guys he knew he never bothered putting much effort into his appearance. He was a somewhat attractive guy and he knew it. Because of that he didn't make an effort and yet he sensed girls throwing themselves at him.

He tried not to let it go to his head but, sometimes, well the opportunities were too tempting to pass up.

He opened his door and blinked. It was amazing how dark he kept his room. He passed by the bathroom and saw his little brother styling his hair. "Nice hair, pretty boy." he smirked.

"You too." His brother responded looking pointedly at Alex's dark brown hair that stood up at the back. Alex smiled sheepishly and shrugged. He headed downstairs.


Later that day, Alex walked to his locker with a licorice stick hanging from his mouth. He reached up to grab his cigarettes before slamming his locker and ripping a bite out of his licorice from his mouth. He passed his friend Quinn, he held up the package and with a silent nod they headed from the back doors to the smoker's pit.

"So I was like fuck you, that asshole owes me 40 bucks."

Alex, nodded at all of Quinn's words. Truth was he wasn't feeling very good today. he didn't even feel like smoking. He dropped his cigarette before crushing it with his foot.

"Yo, man you coming to Chem today?" Quinn asked "that labs due."

"Fuck, really?" Alex ran his hands through his hair, "Shit, no not today I'll figure something out."

"Whatever." Quinn said before dropping his cigarette and heading off to the school.

Alex sighed, he had to start his Chemistry somewhere.

I guess I'll head to the library. He thought.

At library, he headed to the back booths for quiet. He opened his textbook.

A 3.00g sample of a new snack food is burned in a calorimeter. The 2.00 kg of surrounding water changes in temperature from 25.0 degrees celsius to 32.4 degrees celsius. What is the food calorie is calories per gram?

Alex sighed, there was a formula to use for that question. He dropped the book and ran his hands over his face. He didn't care about Chemistry. He didn't care about anything.

He reached into his backpack and pulled out Slaughterhouse-five. He found his place and began reading this anti-war novel.

As he was reading a scraping chair brought his attention from his book. He looked up and met the gaze of a pair of deep brown eyes. They looked sad, and tired. She dropped her gaze and he went back to reading, but he was oddly aware of her presence. Because of that, moments later he was aware of her rising from her seat and sitting back down.

He decided to look at her, just for a moment. She was a little plain, quiet, but so mysterious. She drew his attention. He knew there was more to her than she let on. He dropped his eyes when she looked up.

"Kurt Vonnegut?" He heard a soft voice ask. He looked at her and nodded, he felt weird. But brushed it off and began to read.

Another blonde girl sat down with her friends and began talking obnoxiously. God, they were so loud.
He looked at the girl and rolled his eyes, she smiled. Really nicely, right to her eyes.

When the girls left he heard a woman say something, maybe to the girl. It sounded like Ms. Carroll who taught his challenge and change class.

"I see you too, Mr. Kruise." His head snapped up.

"Oh hey, he said nonchalantly.

He looked at her once more and studied her face, she seemed mature, aged even, like she never was a teenager. She interested him.

What is her name? He wondered, but he never had a chance because the bell rang and he had an image to keep up.