Opposites Attract

Never Done This Before

Alex felt fucked up.

Other than the constant partying, he felt like he was in a rut. He was bored, and needed something to do. No, not someone.

He scratched the back of his head with a pen as he walked, nonchalantly to his next class, his books were tucked under his other arm. He internally rolled his eyes at this girl talking excitedly, to her friend about something stupid like her dance competition. She was walking so fucking slow he could stop and she would only be three more feet ahead.

He counted to three in his head before finally shoving past them.

Fucking grade nines.


Lily was pissed off.

People were so annoying, and as she walked to her next class she heard the quiet buzzing of Meagan yapping about something new she learned in biology and how she was figuring between studying medicine or maybe environmental science.

Lily had to practically bite off her lip to keep a snappy remark about how much help Meagan's impact on the environment would be. With her SUV's, meat consumption and Wal-mart loving personality, the most help she would give is to kill herself.

Wow, Lily thought, that was unbearably harsh even for me. But if I'm being a bitch, then why are these grade nine's so fucking slow.

Lily wanted to badly to just step on the back of her heels, but she didn't. They were so positive about high school, what the fuck?

Instead, she said a hasty goodbye to Meagan before shoving past those,

Fucking grade nines.


"Dude, Shannon's looking for you, did you sleep with her and never call her? She is clingy dude, you better fucking run."


"Yeah, and I think Mr. Ruff, the principle is looking for you too."

"Shit, I have to go to chemistry," Alex sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Not today you don't, I'll cover for you, get the fuck out of here."

Alex sighed before heading out the side doors.


Oh my god, Lily rubbed her temples. If she had to listen to another story from Shaun, she would blow her brains out.

"Hey Meagan, let's go put our lunches away and meet in the library."

"Okay, but I can come with you to your locker."

"No!" Lily panicked then calmed herself, "It's just 30 meters, we can meet there."


Lily walked to her locker and put away her lunch, and she didn't grab her homework from her other classes. She walked down the stairs to the atrium and walk straight past the library, out the side doors.


Alex's head snapped up as he heard the door open. He heard a girl curse under her breath and he hoped to God it wasn't Shannon.

"-Can't she leave me the fuck alone!" the girl muttered.

"I know." Alex replied.

The girl looked up and his eyes met those deep brown eyes from before. They widened in surprise.

"Me. So who are you running from?" Alex asked casually although his heart was beating somewhat fast.

"A friend."

"Why are you running from a friend?"

"I don't really like her all that much."


Lily's eyes widened, she couldn't believe she just told the truth to a stranger. "I mean, I don't not like her it's just that..."

"No I get it, I have some sucky friends too."

Lily relaxed, "What about you?"

"Some girl, they can be crazy."He stopped


I can't believe I said that to her! I'm an ass.

"I know what you mean, the female species is retared and then we are all lumped together.

Alex smiled, "Exactly."

Lily's answering smile was just as bright.

"Do you want to get out of here?" He asked.

"And go where?"

"I don't know yet."

Lily's smile faded, "I can't do that, I never skip school."

"Never?" Alex asked surprised.

"Dude, do I seriously look like a constant class skipper.

Alex let his eyes wander over her small frame, black espadrilles, rolled up pants and a white ralph lauren polo, "Okay, you're right."

Feeling bold and a little crazy he grabbed her hand, "let's go."

"How will we get there?"

Alex reached into his pocket with his other hand, and pulled out car keys.

Lily, smiled and began to run to the parking lot, he followed, her small hand in his. And they fit together perfectly.