Status: DropToYourKneesxX-I'm re-editing the chapters, I'll be done soon. Hopefully either me or MaxGreenGirl will post a new chapter soon....Keep reading.

Dragging Dead Bodies in Blue Bags Up Really Long Hills

Who Are We? We're Sick, We're Killers, We're?


*Amy's Point of view*

I lifted my face to the sky with my eyes closed, as I let the cold rain beat against my crimson red blood stained skin.


I turned around and met the gaze of a pair of gorgeous green eyes, belonging to my beloved Maxwell. I walked through the soggy soil to him and climbed down the freshly dug hole he had just prepared. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I let our lips connect and a smile spread across our faces, letting out a small laugh of satisfaction. This may seem like an odd place for a beautiful couple to share a romantic kiss but Max and I...we're different. I can most definitely promise you that you will never find another couple like the two of us and if you do, I'd like to meet them in person. Different how you may ask, well most couples enjoy a walk on the beach in the moonlight or a candle light dinner and call it romantic and spontaneous, but for Max and I, hearing the blood curdling screams of unwilling victims is romantic and spontaneous pleasure. The look in each of their eyes, watching our every move as we toy with them, torture them, kill them. Begging and pleading to continue to live their pathetic little lives in exchange for eternal silence. We give them eternal silence but they never live to enjoy it. Watching the suffering of others gets our adrenaline pumping as if we were in "Fight or Flight" mode all day long. As I drag the blade across each victim's throat, ecstasy shoots through me like a bat out of hell. The only person who understands these feelings is Max, for he too is a "sadistic killer". There isn't any amount of drugs or alcohol on this planet that could replace the euphoric feeling we get when our dagger selfishly steals another life. I'm a slave to the addiction, and the drug, killing, is my master. But of course, everything in life has its limits, even this.

We climbed out of the hole which would soon hold the evidence of another night of slaughter. We walked to the trunk of the car as the rain began to beat down on us even harder. We pulled the victim out of the trunk, kicking and screaming. I placed the dagger at his throat to silence him when Max spoke, startling me.

"Babe, not yet. Let's get him to the hole first then we can have all the fun we want." I glared at the victim as death danced in my eyes, sending chills down his little spine.

"Ugh, fine. But promise me I get to kill him this time since you killed the last person." I said.
Max chuckled, "I promise." I smiled and quickly went to kiss him when the victim all of a sudden tried to be brave. He somehow got his hands untied and grabbed the dagger out of my hand. He slashed at me, luckily only nicking my arm.

"You little bastard." said Max. He grabbed the victim and stomped on his hand sending one of the best blood curdling cries into the dark, ghastly night.

"Whoa you really nailed it to him didn't you?" I said. Max just flashed me a cheeky grin and motioned for me to grab the victims legs as he grabbed his arms. We dragged him slowly to his new death bed as he began to plead for his life.

"Please, don't kill me. I'm so sorry for grabbing the dagger just please don't kill me...I'll..I'll do anything. I won't say a word about what you look like or who you are. Please just don't kill me, I have kids, I have a wife. Please don't kill me." He said with tears pouring out of his eyes along side the rain.

"Would you kindly shut the fuck up?" I said to the victim. I looked at Max, "Do you think we should tell him?" I asked.

"I'll gladly tell him for you babe." He said. That filled me up with joy, we were about to watch a man breakdown to the lowest of all low points....We were about to crush his soul completely.

"Your wife and kids, remember them?" Max said as he took out a picture of a family out ting at the beach. The mom had blonde hair and was in perfect shape, she looked genuinely happy and in love with the victim standing beside her. In front of them were two boys, both looked to be the age of 6 or 7 years old. All smiling, all made me sick to even look at it.

"Where did you get that? Tell me what you did to my family!!" yelled the victim.

"Oh we didn't do much. We just so happened to bury them all in this very same spot this morning. I didn't dig down all the way because you'll be resting in peace on top of all of them." Max said with a sadistic smile.

"Rest in peace love" I said and quickly slashed his throat with my dagger. The feeling I had watching him fall into that hole is indescribable, but it was the best feeling I'd had in a long time...besides the feelings I had with Max.

We quickly buried the man and all evidence of his death including his happy family photo.

"One of the best we've done so far, good job babe. Max said as we walked back to the car.

"You weren't so bad yourself stud muffin" I said in the cheesiest way possible.

"Stud muffin?? Seriously?" Max said and chuckled a loud.

"What? I was just trying something different." I said with a serious tone.

"*sigh* Don't ever try anything different Amy, just be you. I fell in love with you. So be who you are and no one else....and never ever call me stud muffin again." He said and then smiled at me.

"Okay its a deal."I said with a smile and gently kissed him on the lips. We placed our weapons in the trunk, got in the car and drove off in the night. About an hour later we finally pulled up to our home. We walked upstairs to the room shedding every piece of blood stained clothing along the way. Max and I hopped in the shower to wash away all evidence of what we had done that night and quickly dried off when done.

I went to get clothes from the drawer when all of a sudden Max grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. I could tell by the look in his eyes what he wanted and to be honest I wanted it to. I let my towel drop as he explored every inch of my body with his hands and eyes. Tracing his hands up and down my sides leaving goose bump trails along the way.

He began to kiss me and I started to breathe heavily knowing ecstasy wasn't leaving us just yet. After a night of killing, a healthy dose of sex was always good to cure the cravings. Max and I made love that night, to the dark sided moon and the howls of wolves in the background.

Later on I laid my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as if it were a beautiful symphony. As we both drifted off to sleep I heard him say he loved me. I replied with an I love you too and a quick sleepy kiss. We both dozed off to sleep, waiting for the next chance to kill....
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so this is some of it. I know its crappy don't have to repeat me but this is my first time writing something like this.....I wanted something different so yea. Please tell me what you think! FEEDBACK!!! ^_^ so I can know if this is even worth working on. Hope it was okay though...

(Okay so I re-edited it, tell us what you think of the "new chapter1" lol) -Edited DropToYourKneesxX