Status: DropToYourKneesxX-I'm re-editing the chapters, I'll be done soon. Hopefully either me or MaxGreenGirl will post a new chapter soon....Keep reading.

Dragging Dead Bodies in Blue Bags Up Really Long Hills

It's So Hard To Say Goodbye


* Amy's Point of view*

I finished getting dressed and walked downstairs to the living room. Max was sitting on the couch, mouth wide open, just staring at the TV.

"What are you watching?" I asked, plopping myself next to him.
He continued to stare at the screen, face full of horror and fear.
"Max, honey what's wrong?"
I looked up at him as he closed his mouth and slowly looked at me.
"We have to leave." he said.
"Leave? Why? To Where?" I said with a bit of confusion.
"Far Amy, we have to leave and go FAR AWAY! They found the fucking body this morning!" he said.
I jumped a little at how he was yelling at me and stood up to better confront him.
"They're never going to know it was us, why should we have to leave?" I said with a bit of anger.
"Because, I don't want to take any chances okay...Please, let's just leave okay?" he said.
"No Max! I don't want to leave! This is our home..." I said standing in front of Max.

He got up and wrapped his arms around me. After a couple of minutes had passed, he looked at me and wiped the tears falling from my eyes. I didn't even realize I was crying until then.

"Baby, it's going to be okay....I promise and I didn't say we were going to leave and never come back, We just have to leave until all of this blows over okay?" he said.

He kissed my forehead gently and looked into my eyes. I couldn't help but smile, He had the most beautiful emerald green eyes. It was like looking into a glass full of emerald beads with bits of brown reflecting off of it.

I nodded my head in response to his question and he hugged me once more before saying, "Just pack things we'll need okay?"

And with that said, he disappeared upstairs. I stayed behind for a few minutes, reflecting, looking at everything we had built that we'd have to leave behind. I still didn't think we had to leave, there was no need for us to leave. Nobody would know what we did, we left no evidence. We NEVER leave evidence but Max was always overcautious, especially when it came to our safety even if it could result in us having to be apart.

I went upstairs to our room where I found Max, throwing objects into a suitcase on the bed.
"I don't think we'll need much...Just throw a few pairs of clothes in with mine. We'll get more later on." he said.

We managed to grab everything we needed and stuffed it into one big suitcase. We went downstairs, Max grabbed the money we had been saving out of the cookie jar and we both walked out the door, leaving behind everything I love. Tears escaped my eyes as I looked back at our house, I really didn't want to leave this beautiful place.

"Amy, come on baby, let's get going," he said, as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Everything's going to be fine, I promise you. We'll be back before you know it." he whispered into my ear. I turned around to hug him. He hugged me back and I calmed myself down a little bit. He turned my face to his and wiped the tears yet again with his thumbs.

"Are you okay now?" he asked.
"Mhm," was all I managed to say to him as I nodded my head in response.

It still hurt me to leave everything behind, our home, the memories we've made here. This town, all of it, I grew up here, and I didn't ever want to leave this place behind.

We got into the car and Max turned to face me. I looked into those emerald green eyes of his and managed to fake a smile.

"Just pretend this is a vacation, well it sort of, we'll just say that this is our little vacation," He chuckled and turned on the radio.

I tried to stay serious but I couldn't help but laugh at the way he would dance around and make weird faces. I loved how he could make me laugh even during some of the most dreadful times.

"You're such a dork Max," I laughed.
"So, you love me just the same right? and If I'm a dork your a dork too." He said then stuck his tongue out at me.

"Hey hey, I'm a geek there is a difference. Acting like little kids again are we?" I said.

He chuckled.
"Just trying to brighten up the current situation babe." He said.

"Well thanks, it helped" I said with a smile.

Before he started the car, he turned to kiss me.

"Anything for my girl." He said.

I beamed a smile back at him and we finally pulled out of our driveway leaving behind our home.

We drove for what seemed like forever; I swore I was going to go raging mad if I didn't get to step one foot out of the car soon.

"Max, can we please please please just stop for a bit? I really need to walk and stretch my legs or I'm going to go insane."

"Too late you already did." He said and flashed me a cheesy grin.
I flipped him off and smacked him one good time.

"Ouch, babe that hurt." He said with a laugh, "I was just kidding, I love you."

"Yeah yeah, love you too you ass." I said and stuck my tongue out at him.

He finally pulled over and I immediately got out of the car and took one big breathe of fresh crisp air. Max came to my side and wrapped his arms around my waist and began to kiss my neck. He let me go after a while and lit a cigarette.

"Let me have one." I said.

I went to him and he handed me a cigarette. I lit it and took a nice long drag from it. I looked out to the emptiness of where ever the hell we currently were and let out the smoke as it sinfully danced with the wind.

After a couple of minutes he asked, "You ready?" and I nodded yes.

"I'll drive this time...Please?" I asked in a cute voice.
He hardly ever let me drive....I didn't know why, I'd never gotten into an accident or anything. He's always liked doing the driving, guess it's a guy thing. He looked at me and I stuck my bottom lip out in an attempt to puppy dog pout. "Fine" he said. I had succeeded, he handed me the keys and I smiled. I kissed him once and we got in the car, me behind the wheel.

It was already getting dark, and Max was asleep next to me with his mouth slightly open, snoring softly like a bear. I smiled and stopped myself from "awwing" out loud at him. I decided to turn on the radio, mentally slapping myself for not thinking of the radio before. Marilyn Manson's "sAINT" came on and I smiled to myself because this was the song that was playing in the bar where I had met Max. It was our favorite song, it was OUR song. It's weird to have this as a song, it's out of the norm for couples but we liked it, besides we're different so it was perfect.

I pulled into a motel at around 1am, I was surprised I had lasted this long as the designated driver. "Max, babe." I shook him lightly, trying to wake him up. He moved a bit and stretched his arms, then finally opened his eyes to look at me.
"I stopped at a motel so you and I could get some rest and food okay?"
"Sounds like a plan."
He got out and we went to the front desk and paid for our room. The motel wasn't too bad looking on the outside, small little shack of a thing. Definitely not a place for people deathly afraid of thrillers.
We went to our room, taking our suitcase with us. As soon as we got into the room, Max plopped onto the bed face down, buried into the dingy white pillow.
"Max?" I whispered.
"Huh?" said he, as the pillow muffled the sound.

He turned over and looked at me after about two minutes, I sat up and crawled over to him and straddled his waist.

"I want something" I said, with a seductive smile.
"And what might that be?" he said, more awake now then he had been before.

I smirked and slid my hand up his shirt, he chuckled and propped himself up on his elbows. I met him halfway before he could sit up all the way and kissed him gently. He kissed me back, harder this time. He began to fidget with the hem of my shirt and slid it over my head. He kissed my neck, finding that one spot that he knew always drove me wild. Soon every piece of clothing we had on was scattered all along the floor and we found ourselves laced in each others arms, engulfed in each others body. Max propped himself up over me with his hands, just staring into my eyes with those emerald gems of his.

"God, you're so fucking beautiful," he said, then he thrust himself into me as I screamed in pleasure. The more I screamed, the harder he went and I found myself digging my nails into his skin, leaving trails down his back. He flipped me over just before I could reach ecstasy and wrapped his arms around my waist. At every scream of pleasure I made, he went faster, causing my body excruciating pleasure. We finally reached euphoria and let out a moan of pleasure in unison as we collapsed on the bed. We lay there immersed in each others love, I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heart slowly pitter patter as mine did the same. I could feel his breathe becoming more relaxed and realized he had fallen into a deep slumber. I soon followed in his footsteps and let the darkness take me to another night of sweet nightmarish dreams...
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep...thanks to all you that commented.

update: I'm re-editing this bitch so you BETTER comment lmao ^_^ please? *puppy dog pout*