Status: DropToYourKneesxX-I'm re-editing the chapters, I'll be done soon. Hopefully either me or MaxGreenGirl will post a new chapter soon....Keep reading.

Dragging Dead Bodies in Blue Bags Up Really Long Hills

Oh, Mandy

I woke up and realized we were still at the motel. I stretched my body and turned to give Amy a kiss but found she wasn't there, but in her place was a note on her pillow.

Went to find some food. I'll be back soon!
Love, Amy <3

I smiled to myself as I crumbled the piece of paper and got out of bed. I went into the bathroom and rinsed my body off with warm water. God, I loved how Amy drove me so crazy. Last night was one of the best ever. I continued to smile to myself as I shut the water off. I walked out, and dried myself off then slid on my boxers and pants. I didn't know what to do next so I just sat on the bed and flipped through the crappy channels on TV. Five minutes later, Amy walked through the door with two bags in hand filled with what I assumed was food. It wasn't until then that I realized I was starving.

"You're awake!" She said with a surprised playful tone. She smiled at me as she walked over. I got up and gave her a hug. She pecked my lips lightly and handed me one of the bags.

"Okay, so it was hard finding food but I got us this." She said. She took out a plate covered thingy and unwrapped it. It was pancakes, eggs, and sausage. I smiled at her and we both sat down and began eating.

After we both finished, she went to the bathroom to take a shower as I stepped outside to have a smoke. I was leaning on the railing, looking out at the parking lot and the road, thinking of where Amy and I could go next. I took out my pack of cigarettes and my lighter and put a cigarette in my mouth. I was just about to light it when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see this red-headed chick just standing there, staring at me.

"Hey, umm can I have one of those?" She said as she pointed at my cigarette.
"Yeah, sure." I said as I pulled one out to give to her.

"You need a lighter?" I asked.
"No, I'm good thank you." She said.

She pulled out a red lighter and lit her cigarette. I lit mine up as well and took a nice long drag, going back to my train of thought. the chick started looking at me, staring me down hard; I could see her from the corner of my eye. I took another drag from my cigarette not giving it any thought.

"So, what's your name?" She asked.
"Max, and you?" I asked.
She came a little closer to me with a smile plastered up on her face, looking me up and down as if I were a piece of meat. I almost forgot that I was shirtless.

"Max?" Someone said.
I turned around to see Amy standing in the doorway of our room, looking at me and then looking at Mandy with a look I knew all too well. She walked over to me and just kept glaring at Mandy. I knew she wasn't happy.

"Amy, babe, come on let's go." I said.
I walked with her towards our room but she just kept looking back at that Mandy chick. I had to practically carry her inside. Mandy was just looking at her like she was some mental person, she had no idea what she was in for.

"Max, what the fuck? Who the fuck was she?" Amy said. She didn't even give me a second to breathe before she started giving me the third degree.
"Baby, calm down. I don't even know who she is, she just came up to me and asked for a cigarette. Okay?" I said.

She let out a breathe of air, almost like a sigh of relief.

"I'm going for a walk outside okay?" she said to me. As she left the room, I just sighed. A part of me had a feeling that she wasn't through with Mandy, but I wanted to believe that she could control herself. I wanted to believe that everything from this point on would be okay. I'd soon find out that I was wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short...but I'll post another very soon. The chapters keep changing Point of views. and yea....thanks for reading and don't forget to COMMENT! =]
wanna know what Mandy looks like? well here she is...


Once again, I haz re edited...hope you like it :3 Schro-CatxXx