Status: DropToYourKneesxX-I'm re-editing the chapters, I'll be done soon. Hopefully either me or MaxGreenGirl will post a new chapter soon....Keep reading.

Dragging Dead Bodies in Blue Bags Up Really Long Hills

Bloody Kisses and Slashed Veins


*Amy's point of view*

I walked outside and began to follow that girl Mandy. That bitch was going to die today, and she had no idea. I smiled to myself grimly. I could careless about who she was or even if Max knew her or not. As she walked into the room, I watched her and just waited outside the door for a few minutes, pacing back and forth until I was finally ready. I knocked on her door and she soon answered.

"He-hello." she said.
Great, I can hear the fear in her voice. I smiled.
"Hi, I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang or something....I'm bored out of my mind here being only with my husband." I said.
I put on the best happy, perky attitude I could muster up, for the sake of my plan.
"Uh, yeah, sure I guess...Max is your husband right? Oh, I'm Mandy by the way." She said.
I walked into her room looking at my surrounds.
"Yeah, he's my husband....Nice to meet you Mandy, my name is Amy." I said.
"So, yeah, where are you and Max from?" She asked.
"Oh, we're just traveling at the moment. Just driving aimlessly for fun, you know, seeing all the sights and such. And what about you?" I said.

She smiled and sat on her bed. I sat on the chair that was sitting across from her.
"Oh me? I'm just coming from Ohio...Moving in with a friend of mine, Melissa, in arizona."
"Really, Ohio? Max and I just came from Cincinnati." I said with a light chuckle.

As she smiled, I had to use all of my strength not to lunge at her at that moment. Cut that stupid smile right off of her face.

"Really?! Me too!" she sounded like one of those girls that gossip all the time in the high school hallways.

I sat there, just listening to her talk mindlessly about god knows what. I smiled whenever I had to, laughed and nodded whenever the situation called for it, it was pure torture sitting there, waiting for the perfect moment to make the kill. The whole time she spoke, I dreamt of different ways to slowly kill her.

Finally, she stopped talking and began to watch the tv.
"Do you mind if I use your bathroom?" I asked.
"No, not at all." She said.
I walked into the bathroom and pulled out my blade. Max had given it to me on my 23rd birthday as a symbol of our love, also a symbol of our secret life. I chuckled at myself as I caressed the beautiful knife.

I heard a faint knock on the door, it was here, I knew it was her.
"Are you okay in there?" She asked.
"Oh, yeah I'm fine. I think that breakfast we had made me feel a bit nauseous. I'll be out in a second." I said, playing it off.
"Oh, okay." she said.

I placed the knife back into it's case on the inside of my boot. I opened the door and walked out back to where I sat before.

She turned away from the tv and continued to talk about like I said, only God know's what. After another 5 minutes had slowly passed by, I finally grew tired of it and was ready to take her out.

"Hey, I need to go to the rest room again okay?" I said. She nodded at me and I proceeded to the bathroom door, as soon as her back was turned to me again, I took out my blade and lunged at her grabbing her by her fiery red hair. She gasped in surprise and disbelief.

"What the hell are you doing?!” She screamed. She thrashed around, trying to break free as I lunged the blade into her back. I could hear her gasp a little as tears flowed down her face, her breathing slowing down to a steady rasp.
“What the hell am I doing?!” I screamed at her as I threw her body hard against the floor.
“I, my dear, am showing you what happens when you hit on the one that I love.” I said, as I bent down on the floor beside her, inching my face as close as possible to her. I stared hard into her hazel eyes, they looked like Granny-smith, caramel apples.
“Did you honestly think you could take him away from me with those skanky clothes that you wear?” I whispered harshly in her face.
“Did you think you could just waltz in here, walk on past him and take him out of my grasp?! Did you?!” She tried to let out a scream but all that came out was a whimper. I could see her mascara running down her face as she cried, begging for me to stop and let her go.
I took my hand and gently wiped the tears from her face. “Awww, you’re upset. You must be in immense pain from that blow I just gave you, to your back. I hit you right in your kidney, you know. You’ll be dead soon. But, I won’t let you wait for too long.” I said, as I stood back up, looking down on her.
“I’ll put you out of your misery soon, sweetie.” I said, then I stomped on her stomach hard with my right shoe. Her body instantly convulsed as she coughed and gasped for air. I walked to where her head was and grabbed her hair, pulling her up. I forcefully pushed her onto the bed, anger raging all through my body.
I got on the bed, straddling her waist. I took the blade and slowly licked the blood with the tip of my tongue, staring at her the whole time. I bent down and kissed her, forcing my tongue into her mouth, making her taste her own blood. She bit my tongue as I kissed her and I sat back up and smacked her hard.
“Enough play time, you’re done. Hope you’re going to enjoy this as much as I am.” I took the blade and quickly slashed horizontally at her neck, and laughed menacingly as the blood gushed everywhere. Blood had gotten all over my shirt, I knew that I was going to be in trouble once I got back to the room.
I slowly slid off my shirt and placed it into the trash bag, along with the blade. I tied the bag up and threw it over my shoulder and quickly walked out of the room, as little Mandy took her last breathe. Her bright green eyes wide open to the ceiling. I was happy. The last thing she got to see was my face, as I quickly slashed her throat. It felt so good to kill that bitch.
I quickly made my way into the room, avoiding eye contact with Max. I was in trouble now, and I knew it. We had to leave and he was going to be pissed once he found out what I did. But, I did it all for him. Oh Mandy, why’d you have to walk his way, darling? Why’d you have to walk his way?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yea sorry for not updating in so long >_< Thanks to those of you who actually comment =] PLEASE if you read do comment so I can know if it's okay or change it or something....but yea. Hope it's okay so far. Thanks to my friend Johnny who helped :D

Re-edited e.e Please comment.