Status: :B

Please Understand It Has To Be This Way (Barsexual)


Mikey had uttered the most brilliant idea to his friend, Ray when he'd come over that Friday and the two went out to have yogourt. "Oh my gosh, I have a great idea." Mikey squealed, "We should totally go to a bar tonight!" Ray had his iPod in, but he still heard what Mikey was saying. An image of Frank and Gerard flashed across his mind. And then he thought, not a gay bar, please. "What time is it?" Mikey asked himself, letting his sleeve fall from his wrist to look at a digital watch that was not there...

Ray looked at his phone. "It's about four-thirty, Mikes." He spooned up the last of his blueberry-tart yogurt and eventually trashed it as they were exiting the small bulding.

"So you wanna do it?" Mikey asked after they'd entered Ray's car. He was putting his seatbelt on and looked up at Ray pleadingly. Ray played with his hair a little bit before starting the car.

"Uh, yeah, if you want." The car was being backed out of the lot and Ray drove them nack to Mikey's apartment. He asked Mikey if they were going to invite Frank and Gerard. Mikey said it would be abnormal not to, so that's what they did when they got home.

Frank and Gerard were on the couch, watching television, like always. Ray sat on a stool in the kitchen and Mikey ended up taking a seat next to him as they also watched the television. When the commercials came on, Mikey spoke "Is this all you guys are gonna do all day?"

Frank answered for them without even turning around on the couch to face Mikey and Ray. "Yeah."

"Don't'cha guys wanna do something?"

Gerard turned away from the commercials that were playing so that he could look at his brother, but then he noticed Ray. "Oh, hi Ray! I didn't even realise you were here." Gerard smiled. The two of them had heard Mikey enter the apartment but didn't know there was someone with him. He loved having Ray over.

"Hi, Gerard." A smirk played on Ray's lips.

Frank had now turned around too. "Ray!" He was attempting to jump over the couch so he could run over and greet Ray, but that didn't exactly work out so he had to walk around and hug Ray. Gerard stood from the couch after he realised that Frank wasn't coming back. Soon they were all seated on stools that surrounded the island in the kitchen.

"So what were yourplans for tonight, if not watching television with us?" Gerard asked Mikey.

"I dunno..well Ray and I are going to a bar. We wanted to know if you wished to come along. You too, Frankie." He looked over at Frank who seemed incredibly bored...or tired. He has his fist on his jaw, holding his head up and his eyes were half open.

"Again?" Gerard asked, "Didn't we just go like two days ago?"

"That was last week, Gee."

"Oh. It felt like two days ago." Gerard mumbled.

"So what do you say?"

Gerard thought for a second. He believed that it would be a great early celebration for the job he was about to land--going out and getting drunk with three of his favourite people. "Rainbow?" He asked Mikey who's eyes rolled, annoyed at the question. By 'rainbow?' Gerard meant 'gay bar?' and Mikey shook his head, clarifying that it was just a bar.

Ray, who was paying close attention to the brothers' conversation was wooping on the inside. Because he never felt like himself inside a gay bar.

Frank called the shower first and ran inside the bathroom without even a towel and began to shower. The three that were left wondered what was going to happen when Frank came out from showering, towelless. Gerard smiled to himself and went to prepare himself some coffee. When that was done, he thought he'd have himself a smoke.

Gerard's second fag was being thrown on the ground and stomped on when Frank opened the bathroom door and shouted to whoever was listening. "Uhm, you guys?!" There was no answer. Mikey and Ray were inside of the art room hanging out and Gerard had just stepped into the apartment as Frank sopke again, "Hey!" Gerard heard it this time. He walked into the hall way and saw Frank poking his head out from the restroom.

"Hello, Frank." Gerard purred. He thought this was quite a funny situation Frank was in.

"Gee, I need a towel. Can you get me one?"

Gerard raised an eyebrow and tried to look confused. Frank saw what he was doing, here.


"...say please."

"I just did!" Frank was getting annoyed. He just wanted a towel.

So then Gerard seemed to think about it for a moment, "No."

Frank's face fell as Gerard walked back down the hall and into his bedroom. He decided he'd start getting ready to leave after messing with Frank for a minute. Just as Gerard opened the door to his room, Frank called out to him, "Gerard, please!"

He spun around on his feet and sighed, finally doing Frank the favour of getting him a towel. Frank rolled his eyes and waited for Gerard to walk over to the cabinet at the end of the hall way. He closed the bathroom door and waited for Gerard's return. When he saw that Frank had closed the door he quickly made his way to the towel cabinet and opened it, then quickly shut it, having it make a slamming noise loud enough for Frank to hear from inside the restroom. Gerard walked over to the door and knocked twice. It opened and Frank held out his hand for the towel.

Gerard cleared his throat. "Uh, Frank. I'm sorry but there are no clean towels." He lied to his friend. Mikey did so much laundry today while Gerard and Frank were out. Absolutely everything was clean. And Gerard was such a liar.

"You're shitting me?" Frank was not happy. He wanted out of the steaming bathroom and into some fresh clothes and he wanted it now.

The door to the art room was open and that was right down the hall. So Ray and Mikey could hear everything. Sensible Ray had finally had enough of Gerard teasing Frank so he walked straight down the hall as Gerard spoke, "You want me to throw some of your clothes in there?" and he opened the cabinet and grabbed the first towel he touched then walked back to the bathroom, pushed the door open, which exposed Frank to both of them and threw the towel at Frank.

"Gerard, quit being such a douche." Ray muttered. Gerard frowned because Ray just went in and killed all his fun. And now Gerard was sorry. Frank gave Gerard the finger and quickly covered himself with the towel Ray threw. He was embarrased but so thankful for Ray.

Gerard just sighed. He said, "I need a beer."

Later, the four men arrived at a local bar. All drank quite heavily except for Frank. He was driving. Gerard tried convincing Frank to drink atleast a little bit so that he wasn't left out, but Frank protested, stating that he wasn't in the mood for alcohol, anymore. He was pissed off about the episode that took place earlier.

"Awh, c'mon, Frankie. I'm sorry I had to mess with you earlier. Will you just drink some for me?'ll make you feel better!" Gerard sang, trying to get Frank to come to better terms with the whole situation.

But think about it.

Frank really didnt want to be held responsible for any possible shit that could happen. This is what he was thinking. He was going to play it safe that night.

A commercial came on the small, square television in the corner of the bar, playing on very low, but audible. It was a Glaad advertisment. The kind that supports homosexuality. No one really noticed it until it was over and thick, wasted voices projected from across the room, making homophobic remarks.

Marcus. A six-foot, 200 pund, bearded man with thick-rimmed glasses and a stained blue t-shirt. He was one of these men making the homophobic remarks. Just a random guy at the bar that Gerard listened to for a good two minutes only until he was bubbling furiously on the inside.

"...You know, Abbey thinks Tucker is gay. I don't want to believe it." Marcus said to the man across from him.

This man tookone long gulp from his mug of beer before answering, "You're gonna let it get to you." This was Ron. His voice was softer, less raspy and attention grabbing. He stood at five feet, ten inches, reddish-range hair and green eyes. Thin and Irish.

"Fuck no. I know my son isn't fucking gay. I'd disown him or something." Marcus took a nervous gulp from his mug and wiped droplets of sweat from his forehead. Calming down he spoke again, "Abbey said she saw him with some kid..."

"Maybe it was a girl who looks like a guy. You know kids these days. Fuck."

"Agh, fuck it. If my son's a fag, I'll deal with it later, 'cause that's bull shit!" Marcus stated angrily and ordered another drink.

Gerard looked up at Mikey who had also heard the whole thing. Practically the whole bar heard that short conversation. Mikey looked down at his apple-flavoured drink, mixing it slowly, trying to come up with something to say.

"Can we go?"

Gerard nodded solemnly as he felt sorry for his brother, having to hear that. But discreetly, as the four walked out of the bar, Gerard took Frank's hand in his, pulling him close to his side and making sure to make eye contact with the big, scary, homophobic man...

Marcus then got the chills.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm thinking I'm back...
School's almost over. I'll have much more time for updates.
So sorry for the wait D:
I'll be making it up to you, I promise.
I love you, readers<3
Fucking comment, please?